"Gotcha. Book nerd." Trinity nods approvingly as the boat pulls up to dock at the town. She steps off and helps Slytheria onto land, before turning and motioning to the town before them. There's a very large tree with crystals growing in clusters from the branches, like fruit. Fairys flutter about the tree, buzzing about amongst the branches and with players milling around the tree. Shops and walkways seem to have been somehow shaped into the tree naturally, housing a fair portion of the town within its trunk and among its branches. "Fairies allow you to travel through the poisonous miasma that coats the land. Their very presence keeps it at bay. Trees like this one, and crystals like the ones growing on the branches, but bigger, also keep miasma at bay. You'll find large player hubs at trees like this, with smaller settlements with shops and local goods built up around a crystal growth. "So, with your own fairy, you can play the game without needing a guide. Worth it for some people, not for others."