Anna blinked in surprise at the rude temper of the boy in front of her. Glaring at him she spoke up on the matter, hands obviously her him in a know it all and stern fashion, "I said the college owns the forest. Not the wildlife that resides within. And for your information, the college changes nothing within the forest. In fact, the might as well be called a reserve. The only people who come here are the zoology student to take research on the animals. Everything here stays within its natural state with little to no human intervention. Not that I expect people like you," She said eyeing him up and down with an unimpressed look on her face, "to understand such important information. Now run along back the delinquency facility you came from." She stated, turning with a better than you attitude and her head held hair as she walked past him, further into the forest. When he heard someone walk into the art classroom, Connor looked up and smiled to see a very pretty girl standing there. He was surprised. He thought he knew just about everyone on the small campus, but he was so sure he had never seen this girl before. He stood up and nodded, "I understand. Headaches are killer and the art rooms are the quietest places you can be on campus, especially when class doesn't start in here for another hour." Walking over to her, he held out hid hand to her, " I'm Connor. I don't think I've ever seen you here. Are you new to the college?"