[center][img]https://vgboxart.com/resources/logo/2252_thor-prev.png[/img][/center] Dwight's ill-feeling from last night wasn't just a hunch ... He felt his stomach sink when he discovered the state of Thor's apartment when he went over the following morning. Thor wasn't of Earth, but she knew how to lock a door, and in all the time he'd known her, she'd kept her apartment locked, yet when he'd gone over the following morning to see if she wanted to try another search, the door wasn't just unlocked, it was left wide open. He asked the neighbours if they'd seen or heard anything and all they said was the heard someone enter the apartment late at night, heard stuff moving around and then nothing. They didn't mention a struggle or hearing voices, so Dwight concluded she'd come and gone alone. All her stuff was gone, not that she'd had much to begin with anyway. There was only one conclusion, she'd gone and done a runner. He didn't know what she was capable of, but he hadn't expected her to just vanish, it hurt a little, he'd thought they'd become good friends and now this. He'd planned to discuss moving their search along, the internet had since exploded with news about a Valkyrie of sorts and more rumours about the existence of Gods, though he hadn't found Loki yet, Dwight was sure Thor would want to know about this Valkyrie incase it was one of her old friends from Asgard. There was some crude mobile-phone photos and video footage, for the first time, he'd seen the God Of Mischief, though the photo was grainy. He saw Thor punch Loki in the face before the God appeared to run off and Miss America called for backup against the Hulk. It was incredible. To see the legendary Loki Laufeyson, albeit a potato-quality phone picture, was absolutely giddying for him. He was a little saddened that he'd probably not get to talk to Loki and ask countless questions, Loki's stories were the hardest to decrypt after all. Once Thor found him ... Dwight could only assume she'd imprison him, or send him to another realm to face punishment for his crimes or ... if bloodlust got to her, she'd kill him. He was unsure just how it would pan out, of course he never considered Loki beating Thor to a pulp, but that too was a possibility. [b]"Goddamnit Tara, why couldn't you figure out how to work a cellphone"[/b] Dwight groaned. He'd have to find some way to contact SHIELD to find Thor. Whatever she was up to, it couldn't be good and he had about as much hope of finding her as he did finding Loki. Asgardian Gods were a hard bunch to keep track of it seemed. Dwight wracked his brains ... how could he contact an organisation like SHIELD? They were probably already watching him anyway, Thor implied they'd done as much when his crazily accurate papers were first reviewed. Once again, Thor was having a bad day ... Patience was never her strong point and it hadn't improved much since arriving on Midgard. By now, she was feeling [i]exceptionally[/i] impatient at her lack of plausible leads. The museum raid from the previous night had proved fruitful if her goal was to dig into Loki's past, but his current whereabouts were as mysterious as ever. A quick taxi ride across New York led her to the meteorological centre, where [i]apparently[/i] there were satellites, little did she know, they were weather satellites and they weren't for locating missing Gods. She overwhelmed security and made her way through the building all the way to the main research and control rooms, only to discover that weather satellites were different to what she was looking for. Police had already been called and by the time she walked out of the weather centre, there was a squad car parked outside. [b]"Ma'am you're gonna have to come with us, you're under arrest for trespass and threatening violence against the individuals inside the meteorological centre. You don't have to say anything but anything you fail to mention when questioned which you may later rely on in cour-"[/b] The cop started off the speech, surprised that he didn't even have to walk over to Thor to cuff her. Before he could finish, whipping out the cuffs, suspecting Thor was giving herself up, she simply swung her wrist, Mjolnir in hand, and the cop car flipped, landing a few feet away. [b]"Who dares to bark orders to the God of Thunder?"[/b] she asked coldly. The cops were dumbstruck, staring at their mangled-upside-down squad car which she'd flipped over as easily as a child would flip a plastic toy truck. They stammered something, unable to fully form words before Thor spoke up again. [b]"Stay out of my way, I have no quarrel with your kind, I am only seeking Laufeyson."[/b] she pushed past the cops who were left thoroughly confused and terrified. Whoever ... or whatever the blonde stranger was, she easily overpowered them. The two frightened cops debated on calling the national guard, then again after the Hulk's destruction from the morning previous, would the national guard be able to help? Thor found herself stopping for lunch in a run down diner, all this frustration had worked up quite the appetite. Glumly, she tucked into some eggs and bacon and plenty of coffee and stared glumly across the diner. That was when the news came on. It grabbed Thor's attention when the word "technology" came up. That was what she needed. She focused her attention on the screen as the news-reader talked about some kind of conference, a meeting where lots of technology experts met up. It was just what she needed! To her disappointment, she was a day late and the experts had finished their stuff. A Tony Stark guy had put on quite the performance apparently, or so the newsreader said. What caught her surprise was the fact that this Stark fella was in New York. [i]"New York's very own Tony Stark blew away audiences at the annual Electronic Consumers Conference in Las Vegas, Nevada, with an impressive line-up of consumer products. After the conference Stark returned to Stark Towers in New York where he met with the press and then revealed the Iron Man project. Critics have been quick to point out that Stark previously expressed a desire to move away from the war mongering image associated with previous Stark Industries ventures shortly before presenting the project however many have applauded Stark for striving to protect citizens in light of recent events which have devastated portions of New York City. Stark released the following statement to local media [b]""Either I continue to operate it or I have it work off of an advance remote control system. I want this suit to be something people can feel safe seeing whenever something happens. With the recent attacks that ravaged the city streets this suit can provide hopefully at least the beginning of helping avert such moments from ever happening.""[/b] ... In other news, a clean-up operation is underway in downtown New York after-"[/i] Thor tuned out after the broadcaster began talking about the brawl that had occurred yesterday, Thor had been there, it was old news and the media appeared largely clueless about what exactly happened, much less where Loki and the Hulk went. To find that out, she'd need special technology, like what Stark would probably have ... She quickly finished her meal and got up to leave the diner. She'd have to pay Stark Towers a visit but first she had to figure out where Stark Towers was, she'd also have to try and [i]not[/i] get into trouble for the time being. SHIELD were watching Thor, as she'd anticipated, but they'd yet to fly in and stop her, then again, her movements were unpredictable at best and mobilising an agent who would be able to deal with her was proving problematic. It seemed she'd have to progress without SHIELD's help for now at least, but this time she knew where she was going. Fury was quickly arranging a small team to track her down, warning them to avoid any hostile contact as he wasn't exactly sure what they were up against. If Thor really had gone rogue, there was only a few individuals who could take her down in a fist fight, 2 of which had vanished to Australia. Perhaps a squadron could knock her down long enough to contain her, but Fury wasn't prepared to risk that many lives, especially with everything else that was going on, he didn't have those kinds of resources (or man power) to throw away. [b]"Do not use hostile force, we don't know exactly how much power we're dealing with and what she's willing to do, if you can't talk her down, you back down, stay out of her way and keep civilians out of her way until we're better equipped to face this threat."[/b] Fury warned, sending out his crew. He hoped there would be no need to resort to desperate measures, she'd come in willingly last time so it wasn't entirely beyond the realms of possibility that she'd be open to negotiations again. All they had to do was catch her, but she was on the move again and they could only guess where she was going.