Standard method being whisp away from one location to another, yea. But it's relative to your cast level. It will make it fun >=D Next, portals? Now there are two aspects I can get from and both can't be a level 3 cast else it will make it too easy. The supernatural portal "gateway to narnia" these portals have magical energy of their own, which is why they teleport you to some other place. There is no such thing in CA. You could artificially imbue an object with so much alchemic energy that it does this, but it won't be possible in level 3 and it isn't prudent at all. The "worm hole" concept. Now the idea of a worm hole is it is like a tunnel connecting one point to the other. How is it accomplished? You see for this you have to distort space and Gravity to such an extent that what should be a miles walk becomes a second by creating a short cut and or distorting time via relativity. This again is not a level 3 hence not possible. Oh yea teleportation is tricky. xD plus let's face it if various forms of teleportation was possible can you imagine the sheer havoc. Angel would love it, not only does he enjoy showing off but he loves to play dirty. Yes long distance teleportation is when a group of alchemist's cast together to send you or a group to a distant location. I mentioned once that the casts resemble 3 aspects. The mind (sigillum), the body (motem) and the soul (vocem) (The more detail and meaning you put into your sigil, it will be more powerful. You need to physically activate a sigil, though if you are far away you can activate the sigil by shooting it etc. You have to make contact directly or indirectly.) The more emotion you put into Vocem and the longer you chant the more powerful it is. Similarly Motem is based on your movement and the intensity of that movement. Edit: yes a Sigillum cast can be prepared and put in ambush though not for long periods of time and only 3 can be crafted together.