[img]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k202/Ythania1/25fcb585cf325b016cf2092f054a8d36-d48zig7_zpsf8320a10.png[/img] [u]Name[/u] Elise Morganne [u]Age[/u] 25 [u]Relations[/u] ♚ Sarah Morganne - Younger Sister ♚ Elizabeth Morganne - Mother (NPC, won't appear in the RP) ♚Samuel Morganne - Father (NPC, won't appear in the RP) ♚ Ol' Vikky - Aunt (NPC, won't appear in the RP) [u]Equipment[/u] GSR Gas Mask British Army MTP Issue With 15 Filters & Haversack [hider=Gas Mask][img]http://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/MTAyM1gxMDcy/z/noEAAOxy~hdR1HPU/$(KGrHqZHJDoFHHiLcWjoBR1HPT)y1w~~60_35.JPG[/img][/hider] Stainless Steel Stolen Katana With Sheath and shoulder strap [hider=Katana][img]http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/185/2/e/white_tiger_katana_details_by_piratecaptain-d55z5ho.jpg[/img][/hider] Enough Seven Oceans Emergency Food Ration Liferaft Survival Biscuits to make a grown man cry (Around 10 boxes, 3 biscuits per box, 30 biscuits in total) [hider=Biccies][img]http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/21IQRTvGDUL.jpg[/img][/hider] 90 Piece Premium First Aid Kit Bag [hider=First Aid][img]http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/714YXYDBGqL._SL1000_.jpg[/img][/hider] Water Bottle and 2 boxes of Water Purification Tablets [hider=tablets][img]http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/41iAEA2XMtL.jpg[/img][/hider] Victorinox SwissChamp swiss knife [hider=image and contents] [img]http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/81qK9eA7NUS._SL1500_.jpg[/img] Large Blade & Small Blade Corkscrew Fish Scaler with Hook Disgorger Can Opener with small Screwdriver Bottle Opener with large Screwdriver Ruler(cm & in) Wire Stripper Nail File Nail Cleaner Metal File and Metal Saw Fine Screwdriver Chisel Reamer and Punch and Sewing Eye Pliers with Wire Cutter Key Ring - Phillips Screwdriver Tweezers Magnifying glass Toothpick Ball Point Pen Pin Mini Screwdriver Scissors Multi-Purpose Hook Woodsaw. [/hider] ...And more, when I think of them. The entirety of this is kept in a Kelty Fury 35L Backpacking Pack, and usually shared with Sarah. This is just the overall supply list. [hider=Backpack][img]http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/91YsYUZcuRL._SL1500_.jpg[/img][/hider] [u]Personality[/u] To sum up Elise's personality in three words, they would be: ♔Protective ♔Forsightful ♔Wary She has become aware of her situation, and practically worships the motto: "Survival at all costs". She's used to moving around in small groups, but prefers it when it's just her and Sarah braving the wilds. She's the planner, the fighter, the protector of the two and she asserts her authority over her little sister quite often. She tends to keep a cold, thoughtful exterior most of the time, but when she's on her own - or thinks she is on her own - that outer shell crumbles just enough for an emotional drain, something to release the pent-up feelings inside of her without anyone else seeing. [u]Short Bio[/u] ♚Born in Kent, England with parents and little sister ♚Moved to New York at the age of 12 ♚Finished education with straight Cs, got a job as a warehouse security guard ♚Ran into financial debt, lost job 1 year before Apocalypse ♚Fell into crime, started robbing stores to pay for debts ♚Zombie Apocalypse officially started - hijacked a lorry and moved the lorry-full of tinned goods to one of her 'supply spots' ♚New York evacuated, caught up with family again ♚Continued looting stores with family on the outskirts of New York with a bandit group, stole supplies from the bandit group and hid them in her growing number of 'supply spots' ♚Mother beaten as punishment for Elise's "crimes" by Bandit group, set fire to campsite and fled with family ♚Mother infected, left the rest of the family ♚Father overrun with grief, ran off weeks later in search of missing wife - both presumed dead ♚Travelled with Sarah for an indefinite amount of time, bumped into a group of survivors ♚Currently travels with the group, but that doesn't mean she trusts them. [u]Other[/u] ♔Usually goes to bed quite late so that Sarah can have the first watch, so to speak. ♔Keeps a "map" constantly updated of her routes, along with supply spots, in her bra. Yes, her bra. After all, who'd try to steal it from there? ♔Is pretty damn good at parkour. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [img]http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs33/f/2008/309/8/5/A_Child_by_zlty_dodo.jpg[/img] [u]Name[/u] Sarah Morganne [u]Age[/u] 13 [u]Relations[/u] ♚Elise Morganne - Older Sister ♚ Elizabeth Morganne - Mother (NPC, won't appear in the RP) ♚Samuel Morganne - Father (NPC, won't appear in the RP) ♚ Ol' Vikky - Aunt (NPC, won't appear in the RP) [u]Equipment[/u] Gas mask (see above) Swiss Army Knife (see above) 2 boxes of water purification tablets (see above) Water bottle (See above) First aid kit (See above) - with that, a box of face masks to go over the mouth and nose. Biscuit rations (see above) Hand-made slingshot, fires pebbles, acorns...any small object. Collects pebbles in her pockets. And, of course, Brian. [hider=Brian][img]http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2013/295/b/9/tatty_teddy_by_crayyons-d6re5oc.jpg[/img][/hider] Only the items mentioned are the ones that are duplicates, so Sarah can -always- be found with these. [u]Personality[/u] It depends on her mood. Generally, she's quiet and reserved, or frightened. Since her juvenile sister left the family to go about her own business, she's been relying on her parents more than ever to fill the gap - but after the role reversal and her own parents leaving her behind with scary big sister Elise, she's hardened up a little. She still can't comprehend how difficult these times really are, and is utterly petrified of becoming infected. Because of this, she almost always wears a veterinary/surgery mask over her mouth and nose. [u]Short Bio[/u] ♚Born in Kent, England with parents and big sister ♚Moved to New York at the age of 1 ♚Lived with parents in New York Apartment ♚Slowly lost touch with big sister ♚Parents lost their jobs a few months before Apocalypse ♚Zombie Apocalypse officially started - packed supplies and started to leave New York ♚New York evacuated, caught up with Elise again ♚Forced to join Bandit Group with family in order to survive ♚Mother beaten as punishment for Elise's "crimes" by Bandit group, Elise set fire to the campsite and fled with family ♚Mother infected, left the rest of the family ♚Father overrun with grief, ran off weeks later in search of missing wife - both presumed dead ♚Travelled with Elise for an indefinite amount of time, joined a group of survivors ♚Currently travelling with the survivor group, wary of them and who might be infected. [u]Other[/u] ♔Always takes the first watch. Always. ♔Enjoys piggyback rides from Elise or any other person who's willing to give her one. ♔Trying to catch up with Elise's love for parkour, she's okay at it but sometimes needs to be carried by Elise. ♔The way to her heart is with mints. She loves the stuff. Can't have enough of them.