Danilo looked over the businesses card and placed it in a inner pocket of his coat. ''Solenne Nocturne, I will remember that. '' Danilo grinned watching him step off the stage just in time as a loud voice entered the cafe. The blond woman swirled around in search for the soulmate and once she spotted her she assaulted the girl with question after question. Danilo laughed. She was a lovely person from the looks of it. Danilo walked over to Delilah who was observing the shower on her friend. '' Delilah.'' ''Yes Dan?'' ''Promise me to tell me when Solenne and Mia are getting married the wedding cake will be free house. '' The dragon said looking at the blond agent not even a feet away from him. The waitress hummed a sure grinning happily adding that the two do look like a perfect match. He made a bow to the 3 ladies. ''Well I will be going for today. See you tomorrow. Somewhere out there is my own soulmate waiting.'' Giving a wave Danilo watches the next song being sung and felt happy for them. Once out in the street he wondered if his own meeting with his soulmate would be as lively as theirs. He wouldnt mind that at, all. He wandered slowly along the streets reaching soon the park, the time passed as he enjoyed the flowers and sunshine on his skin occasionally petting a pup or dog that run by. His wrist stayed silent, as he relaxed. He couldnt spend the rest of the day on the bench he was just too eager and the waiting was eating him even more up than anything in his life did. Setting out to get himself a proper bite, he wondered if he want to drag this day out as much as possible or want it to fly by. He giggled to himself. After he had a nice meal with lots of meet he wandered the streets again. He stopped, turning his head he noticed someone he knew well. So he run up them. ''Hey!''