[@xodus] Hm, well you have a point with the wormhole thing, but only if we assume that Portal-style stuff works that way. I'm sure it's possible, in a world with magic, to explain it another way. *shrug* I still think it's a little silly to say line-of-sight teleportation is a basic skill but other forms of teleportation which aren't much more powerful are level 2. I mean, what sort of explanation covers the basic one that isn't space bending somehow? And if it's not, can't we say the other methods work this way as well? I do remember you saying that teleportation took a few moments, and could be detected and disrupted in combat. Though it might be interesting to have a character that had a specialization that allowed for blinking, or very fast but very short range teleportation. "Wanna hit me? I'm not there, I'm over here! But now I'm two feet to the left! Haha, missed again!" By the way, when I say portals, I mean like in the video game with the same name. But that probably does use wormhole tech. I can't remember what the in-game explanation was of the science there.