Katsu really hadn't wanted to go to Siku's home, hating to face her family after what was happening with her. As if he hadn't felt guilty enough to begin with it was almost smothering once there, the Avatar trying to keep to the back of the group while they waited. Being in the same room as Siku's father was terribly awkward, as every time he looked up he swore he caught the man staring at him; did he know what he truly was? Yakedo may have filled in the man without his knowing, which given that Katsu was taking his daughter away it was only fair, in a way. Just another person to know the truth about him, and another to potentially get in trouble because of it. The Wait for Siku to get back was a rather long and uncomfortable one, and when she finally came back downstairs he almost let out an audible sigh of relief. Now hopefully they could get moving, he didn't want to stay here much longer and be scrutinized. So it seemed they would be heading to the Fire Nation after all, and a place Katsu knew no less. He'd only been to Iwa all of twice before in his lifetime, yet each visit had been pleasant enough; cherry blossoms, fields and a large set of mountains obscuring the northern shore were what he could remember the most, and of course the relatively friendly locals. It would be interesting going back to his home nation after so long, and Katsu couldn't help but wonder if word might have spread about him since then. So long as everyone just knew he had run away and not the reasons surrounding it then he'd be fine, otherwise they couldn't stay in Iwa for very long either. After some brief farewells they were back out on the road, the three of them carrying meager belongings to help them on their journey. The entire way to the edge of the city Katsu couldn't look anyone in the eye, a crushing feeling of guilt threatening to make him break any second. Siku wasn't fooling anyone when she said she was okay with this, and Asha probably would be more upset when the gravity of the situation finally hit her; there was no telling how long they might be gone for: Months? Years? Either way it seemed like a long time to have to leave home, something he knew from experience. Everyone he'd formed a band with since arriving in Republic City were now a memory, it was the second time he had to leave a family behind. Just how many times was this going to happen because he was the Avatar? Why did being what he was have to bring so much misery with it? Katsu gave Republic City one final glance back when they stopped on the western edge of the city. The sun was just beginning to rise, giving the cityscape an unmistakably beautiful gleam, the rays basking over everything in a soft glow. Almost poetic, in a way, to see the sun rising when they were to begin their journey; when he had left home all those years ago it had just been rising as well, and in some way it made this feel oddly familiar. Smiling somberly he turned to Yakedo when addressed, giving a small nod of his head in reply. Of course he would watch out for them, it was his fault they were even in this situation. While it may be true he didn't have mastery of bending yet he could still most certainly fight, and he'd protect both of them from any dangers they might face. "You could have bought us a car, you know..." Katsu offered weakly, slumping slightly when Siku poked fun at him. The only alternative they had was Koinu, albeit his companion was barely up to his knee, hardly something the three of them could ride on. Sure walking was bound to take a while, but they didn't exactly have much choice for the time being. Narrowing his eyes when Siku laid on the hurt and added "doofus" into the mix he let out a sigh, his face reddening in embarrassment before sniffing indignantly. "This doofus protected you in the sewers, you know, so watch it Siku," he retorted, managing a small smile. Something slowly dawned on him then too, something he didn't know how he'd failed to realize before. Glancing at an elongated item hanging at her hip. It didn't take a genius to figure out what it was, especially considering she hadn't made any conscious effort whatsoever to hide the thing. Blinking owlishly as he stared at the dao for a moment he slowly looked up at Siku, frowning before pointing to the weapon. "Why the heck did ya bring that thing along with you?" he shouted, shaking his head in disbelief, "Since when do you use a sword? We aren't killing people you know, so why are you taking that?" He was somewhat back his regular self, now truly baffled why they had something as lethal as a dao in their midst. "I don't kill people Siku, I knock them out. We have no reason to need a sword! But now people are going to get the wrong idea and we'll probably scare someone away, sheesh!"