[center][h3][color=ff4000]Mallory[/color][/h3] [b]Brooklyn, New York - Outside of Mary's Diner[/b][/center] Mallory eyed the male cautiously when he turned to face her. Her arms were still folded over her chest as he spoke towards her. She admitted to herself that she was very intrigued in learning more about the male specimen before her but played it off, a bit. When he mentioned the Men In Black, she shrieked a little, adding in a comment. [b][color=ff4000]"I love that movie. Well, except for the gigantic, mutated cockroach bit."[/color][/b] Mallory laughed slightly while nodding her head as he explained what he did. [b][color=ff4000]"I thought it was very nice, honestly."[/color][/b] She smiled while wondering if he was reading her mind right now. If he was, he'd hear her thinking that he was very cute, indeed. She knew that he was a Telepath and obviously, a very well balanced one at that. When she fluttered away from her thought, she heard him call her gorgeous and blushed while twirling the end strands of her locks of hair. [b][color=ff4000]"Well, you are the black Professor X and I am Storm."[/color][/b] She chuckled while showing her general knowledge of X-Men. She winked towards him as she walked closer and stepped aside him a bit. [b][color=ff4000]"Let me show you."[/color][/b] Mallory closed her eyes and inhaled then exhaled while suddenly a few clouds filled the sky above them along with a dense fog covering the area now. She held the weather like that for about five minutes before breaking out of her concentration, the fog and the clouds disappeared, bringing back the normal, sunny and clear day. She turned to look towards the male now with a smile. [b][color=ff4000]"Atmokinesis, they call it."[/color][/b] She whispered slightly while walking to stand in front of him now. [b][color=ff4000]"In simpler terms, Weather Manipulation. My brother there..."[/color][/b] She pointed her index towards her brother, who could be seen through the mirror. [b][color=ff4000]"He has Geokinesis, which is basically manipulating the Earthen materials."[/color][/b] She explained while looking at him. [b][color=ff4000]"By the way, I'm Mallory."[/color][/b] She introduced herself with a smile and extended her hand out towards him for him to shake. [b][color=ff4000]"Well, I don't want to keep you from going about your day, if I am so I'll just let you go."[/color][/b] She said with a smile while waiting for his response before walking away, just in case he wanted her to stay or not.