[center][img]http://i1090.photobucket.com/albums/i374/bensundeitestutho/AmazingSpider-Man_zpsa31f5c36.png[/img][/center] [center][b]Peter Parker[/b] | [b]Bobby Drake[/b] | [b]Angelica Jones[/b][/center] [center][i]Co-Written With [@Natty][/i][/center] It was an overcast and dismal afternoon in New York City. Quite fitting for what was going to happen on the docks that day. Peter had told his aunt that he was meeting up with some friends for the afternoon. While Peter technically did not lie, since he was indeed meeting up with his friends Angelica and Bobby, who were also known as the X-Men Firestar and Iceman respectively, he never mentioned that they were planning to fight crime. Peter's aunt was always worried that her nephew was so frail, but Peter could not muster the courage to tell her that he himself was Spider-Man. His biggest concern was how she would take the news. Peter did not want to give his aunt a heart attack by revealing the identity of his alter-ego. Waiting atop a rooftop of a building that was relatively close to the docks, already decked out in his red and blue threads, Peter looked up towards the sky. He could discern an object that seemed to be burning soaring up in the sky. Once this "comet" began to descend towards the ground, Peter knew that this "flying object" was actually Firestar. Clinging onto her back was Bobby Drake, wearing a special suit that would protect him from Firestar's microwave radiation. The distance between Manhattan and Salem Center was probably too large for Iceman to "skate" his way there on his ice constructs. "I'm glad that you two could make it.". Peter extended his hand to Bobby, shaking his hand. However, while they were shaking hands, Peter fell his hand growing colder by the second, causing him to prematurely end their handshake. " I see you're still the joker that have always been." “Well you know, Spidey.” Bobby replied with a grin, shaking the ice off of his hand. “We need to make these little get togethers fun somehow!” The comment was merely for laughs obviously. These little trips to New York had been some of Bobby’s most memorable and happy experiences in recent years. Sure working alongside his fellow X-men was fun and exciting, but to Bobby there is nothing better than helping out the people who need it. That was one of the best parts about being a superhero to him! Peter turned towards Angelica, intending to extend his hand to her, too. However, she surprised him when she immediately embraced her best friend. "I see you're happy to see me, Angel. It's not like we had not just seen each other a few days ago." "It just feels great to get the band back together." She gave Peter a smile and released her vicegrip-like embrace. “Wait, you two met up without me?” Bobby asked, butting into the conversation. “So not cool guys!” Angelica rolled her eyes at the comment from the fellow mutant. “Says the one who spent last night taking out a gang of Purifiers all on his lonesome!” “Purifiers?” Peter scratched his head when he heard Angelica mention that anti-mutant hate group, “Haven’t they learned anything from the Crusades that things like this doesn’t solve anything? I bet they flunked their high school history course.” “That would explain why they’re still living in the dark ages.” Bobby laughed at his own joke slightly. “Am I right?” Angelica just shook her head disappointedly. “So, here’s the situation. From my sources at the Daily Bugle, there’s going to be some shady business happening here soon involving the Rose and some maggia boss called Silvermane. I don’t know whether these two factions are anticipating this imminent conflict, but I think we should play it safe and assume that Silvermane’s men have already set a trap.” Peter paused for a moment, wondering whether it was safe for him to involve his friends into this. But someone had to curb this crime. The mention of the Rose caught Bobby off guard. The young mutant looked thoughtfully at Spider-man as he spoke, his mind going back to when Angelica had informed him of the death of Peter’s then-girlfriend, Gwen Stacy. The Rose had been involved then. He had practically been one of the causes of Gwen’s death. Would Peter be able to go through with this tonight without… No. Peter was strong. He could do this. “You have a plan then, Webs?” Bobby asked, gazing off the edge of the rooftop and down towards the docks. “Of course I have a plan. Obviously we have to act precautiously, making sure we don’t get caught in the middle of the crossfire. Our primary focus should be disarming the men. They can’t harm themselves and us if they are not wielding any weapons. Also, we should have the element of surprise. Silvermane’s men might know that the Rose is making a play for his turf, but not three teen superheroes!” “Are you sure you’re ready for this, Pete?” Angelica placed her arm on Peter’s shoulder, trying to comfort him. Angelica knew that anything involving the Rose might cause him to act rashly, to put it nicely. She just wanted to make sure her best friend did not stoop down to the Rose’s level. “I’m fine, Angel.” Peter gave Angelica two thumbs up and a smile, although his red-haired friend could not see his grin because it was covered by his mask. “So, you all ready?” Bobby was about to warn his friend to remember that he was much better at freezing people instead of keeping to the shadows, when yesterday’s events with the Purifiers crossed his mind once more. If he could muster up anymore golems, then they’d have an army on their side. Deciding that it would probably be a good idea to inform the team, he turned back towards them. “Yeah I’m good Petey, although thought that I should let you know that I got a major upgrade last night.” He exclaimed happily. “I can now…” “Summon some ice golems or something.” Angelica finished. “It’s honestly nothing too special!” She teased, pulling a face towards Bobby. “You won’t be saying that when you’re under 10 feet of snow!” Angelica just rolled her eyes and looked back towards Peter. “Yeah I’m good, Pete. Let’s roll.” Peter extended his arm out in front of himself. Angelica, in turn, placed her hand on top of Peter’s, and Bobby followed suit. In unison, the three teens, although not in a shout because they did not want to alert the maggia to their presence, said, : “Spider-Friends, Go for it!” After their team ‘battle cry’, Peter turned and leapt into the air, shooting out a thread of web skyward, swinging forward. Following closely behind him was Angelica, who heated the air around herself with her microwave powers, causing her to soar through the air. Last, but not least, came Bobby, with the ice-covered mutant sliding through the air atop a column of ice.