[@Gin] Just a few comments before you're actually done with him so I don't crush you too bad here. A) A shaman - in the sense it is in this world - is a spiritual healer with the ability to commune with the dead - normally just the nice ones and you can't really inherit 'shaman blood' from a parent. It's a skill, not a blood line. B) The Kingsguard are chosen specifically for their fighting ability, and do not have children, so he wouldn't be anyone's 'successor' to anything. The Kingsgard are not allowed children either, so if you were ever found to be fucking any woman at all, they can easily exile you for going against the code of honor. C) Your personality is a little short and 2D; you could flesh him out a little bit more. D) His biography has no information on his past at all. That has to be changed, since bio's are a requirement and I don't accept 'does not remember' as an answer. He's 32; if he doesn't remember stuff he's brain dead. It should describe how he actually has any powers, since he's human and they traditionally don't have any powers at all. E) What's a 'First Scout'? The Kingsguard doesn't scout much of anything at all honestly, so I don't really understand that part. He doesn't sound much like a Kingsguard as you've descried him. [sub]On a side note; Jaime would actually just kill him if he tried to go against him[/sub]