Jack was startled by this new information and a little offended, he raised his hand, "Madame Director, don't you think that if you would have given this special training to us like you did these two here, many guardians would still be in this room? Or why not give us this special training right now? I mean you could have planted a chip in any one of us and would have made us two times better then we are now" he paused, taking into consideration the two Angels "no offence meant to you two, im sure you both could do our jobs better than we could." Jackson exhaled quietly, expecting a run around answer, something like we didn't think you could handle the pressure of this new training. Jackson hoped that the others would rally behind him, he had lost a friend in these disseperances and he was not going to hear that the director and her lackys had an entire new training regiment and resources they were not giving their guardians. He hadn't realised it until he had stopped talking but he had furrowed his brow at the director, he quickly changed his annoyed facial expression into his timeless smile.