[b][h2][center][color=6ecff6]Adrien Cade.[/color][/center][/h2][/b] [center][i]Brooklyn, New York - Breaks are everything.[/i][/center] The boy was glad to see the scene calm down but he was still vaguely shocked at what the man had done to calm it and he knew that the power must have come from him. Was that why he wished to speak with Adrien? Was he going to bring up that he knew about his power? It brought him a tingling discomfort along his spine to know that someone could know and he knew that someone would know some day but it was all the more troubling. He had to collect himself and collect himself he did, pulling together a calm facade of some sort, he made his way into the back to take his last tray. Marla shot him a frantic glance and he shrugged which only made her more nervous, Marla was a technopath, probably the only person who knew about his powers and she was extremely smart. Marla cared a lot about him and he suspected that she might have a crush on him of some sort, though he was never sure how to turn her down gently. She was a beautiful girl with tumbling blond hair and intense brown eyes, she was often sort of mousy and nervous but she held good conversation. They had shared more than a few laughs but it was just that, she wasn't as interesting as she could be and he wasn't as interested as he should be. He had tried to hint more than a few times that she wasn't really his type but she had never really understood why he didn't like her. He didn't understand why it wasn't clear, he'd shared a highschool with her and kids had made their stance on it very clear. "[color=6ecff6]False alarm, nothing is going on anymore.[/color]" he fluttered his hand at her and she narrowed her eyes, her hands on her hips. "[b]And what happened?[/b]" "[color=6ecff6]Jason is like us, it's really weird.[/color]" the boy shook his head. "[color=6ecff6]I think there are three more people here who have powers, it's unbelievable.[/color]" He left her with that note and nudged the door open, balancing the tray on one hand as he headed to the table where the twins sat and settled it down with a brilliant smile. The table was lacking a twin but she seemed to be making her way back over. The boy there was cute, he had dark hair and dark eyes and the combination was something that Adrien had always found pretty though he did well and not saying so. He wasn't supposed to lay on compliments towards the male customers too much, he'd been warned by his boss that if anyone complained then he'd be in some trouble. "[color=6ecff6]And here you go, lovely. I'm going on break but I should be back in about twenty minutes, if you need anything, Marla over there should be able to help you.[/color]" He headed towards the door and slipped outside, his blue eyes finding Jason. Hurrying to the man, he stopped near him and offered a smile. "[color=6ecff6]Jason, you said you had an offer for me?[/color]"