Rough WIP since this seems fun. Name: Sories Greios Nicknames: In-Game User: DarkSlayer Age: 17 Gender: Female Appearance: WIP Personality: Sories is rather snotty at times, smart and she knows it. Also willing to rub it in people's faces to get her point across. She hates thinking that anyone is better than her at something and will occasionally go to great lengths to prove that she is in face the best. Sories isn't much for making friends due to her naturally somewhat abrasive personality, but if somewhere were to distinguish themselves in her eyes enough to acquire the title she would assuredly stand by them through anything. Sories loves to win. Another thing that tends to isolate her is that Sories doesn't like animals. At all. Would do just fine without their existence. Sories also hates any sweets other dark chocolate. She tends to flip her hair and turn away after she thinks she has won an argument. Often times if someone brings up a point she can't contest she will simply ignore it. She despises people she deems as idiots and avoids them. Sories also dislikes physical activity as it generally involves sweat. In game she has little interest in interacting with other people save for mocking them, thought she certainly won't deny any meat-shields a chance to take damage for her. Biography/History: Sories was always a smart girl. A little too smart. She grew up as an only child in a big city. Both her parents were very smart and worked as scientists. Her tendency to use big words as well both start and win arguments lead to her being disliked by her classmates and teachers alike. That was alright by her standards, if didn't like her that was fine. It simply meant they didn't deserve her attention. Sories made her way through school like this holding the rest of the school as well as most of the staff in disdain. She even graduated a year early. One day she was challenged by one her schoolmates. The bet was simple, they would both play the latest game Neverland Online. It would be race, in 3 days, they would have a duel. The loser would have to admit that the winner was better then them in every way. A petty duel but Sories lost very, very, rarely; and the student in question happened to be an avid gamer as well as a smart kid. The two butted heads frequently and this was finally a chance for Sories to take an undeniable lead in their rivalry. Of course she had no idea she would be playing the game for far more than three days... -- Weapons: Long bow Items: Healing potion x5, Mana potions x5, Teleportation scroll x1, fletching kit, survival kit. Armor Style in game: Leather --- Class: Arch Ranger Level: 5 Skills -Wind Arrow: A ability that when activated causes every bow attack to conjure an additional wind arrows that deals 50% damage -Elemental Arrow: For a small amount of mana per shot Sories can add an element to her arrows giving them additional effects and extra damage. -Prey: A spell that marks a target for death enabling Sories's arrows to strike them with uncanny accuracy. --