[quote=@Crazy Doctor] oH I'm in if you'll take me. this looks EPIC, [/quote] Well, not to brag, but "epic" [i]is[/i] my middle name! Hoho. No, it's not. It's Philip. Based off how much interest this gets, it'll be a "quality over quantity" type deal. So just make sure it's a solid, amazing character you've got, and you'll be good. I wrote a bit down below about what I'm sort of looking for, so hopefully it'll help. [quote=@Sigil] Quite interested; I'd like to see where this goes. Any guidelines on character creation? [/quote] Glad to see you're interested! My only real concern for the characters is that they're no younger than late twenties/early thirties. And not too over-powered. They thought they were gods, but they needn't actually be one. I can't say everyone's character should be, but they're all ex-heroes who got used to that fancy, action-packed life in the spotlight. So it should be incorporated somehow. But, really, with the idea that they are a has-been and are middle-aged, there's not a whole lot else specific I'm looking for. I want people to have the freedom to interpret a washed-up superhero celebrity however they like. Aside from that, just your standard strong, well-written characters who are still flawed, believable but original enough to be compelling. Keep in mind too that The Seventh Division was a global team, so your character could be from any country, culture, religion, etc., from around the world. The more unique, the better! I'll have a CS up shortly. Hopefully it'll help. I don't know if my answer truly did. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask!