Kristoph's grip tightened on the wheel of his ship as his attention flickered to Emerson and the boy who had damn near fallen to his death. The captain's eyes flickered between where his attention needed to be and back to the scene at hand. It would be one heck of a blow to his crew and team if Emerson's swings kept coming up just short of the mast. Knowing there was nothing he could do; Kristoph returned his attention to the situation at hand as he kept on route. He was sure his ship would be able to just barely out speed Barley's ship and make it into the wind tunnel before his men could attempt to board the ship. "Come on. We need to out speed them just a little more." Kristoph muttered under his breath as he mentally tried to will his ship to move through the skies faster even though his ships engine was working at its max to keep them ahead of Barley and his crew. Under normal circumstances that would have been enough had the engine not sustained damage from one of the first cannon rounds, a stupid lucky shot on Barley's part, which had left the engine not working at its full power. --- A puzzled look crossed Barley's features as he watched Kristoph's men scrambling up the masts. "Tell the men to keep firing at that ship!" he barked angrily at his first mate that had appeared above deck to get his captains orders. The pirate returned his attention to the fleeing ship; he watched trying to figure out just what Kristoph was planning. Barley's own ship was starting to gain on The Silver Arrow since Kristoph made the odd decision to shift his direction to the angle. Barley glanced over in the direction that his foe had shifted to. As his murky brown eyes fell on wispy formation of clouds which appeared to be moving at a slightly faster speed then the other surrounding clouds which had an unusual space between them and the wispy clouds realization entered his gaze. "Damn it! He's going for the wind tunnel! Fire all cannons! Stop that ships engines at all costs or you all are going to regret it!" he bellowed angrily to his crew, demanding they stop the fleeing ship before Kristoph could make his escape. A low growl escaped from his bearded mouth as Barley realized he was too late; The Silver Arrow still had speed over his ship even with a slightly disabled engine. --- Kristoph suppressed the urge to give a slight chuckle despite the rather urgent situation, it might have just been the wind picking up as they approached the wind tunnel but he could have sworn he heard Barley yelling angrily as he realized what was going on. His green gaze fell to the deck as he saw Emerson make his way safely down the mast, he was glad to see his first mate had managed to get his feet back on the ship. The tension Kristoph felt eased slightly once everyone was safe from atop the masts, the chances of losing a man now was almost zero unless he entered the wind tunnel at the wrong angle. The sound of cannon blasts echoed through the skies again as Barley tried to stop The Silver Arrow from entering into the wind tunnel and escaping his grasp just as it was about to close in on it. The ship gave a slight shudder as one of the cannon balls grazed the left side of the hull. Kristoph clenched his teeth tightly as he came within range of his escape. As Emerson approached the captain’s wheel, Kristoph grabbed two wheel pegs on the left hand side of the wheel letting Emerson take the right side of the wheel. “Get ready for resistance we’re going through the outer flow.” He warned the man as they turned the ship ever so slightly to the right. The wind that suddenly struck the ship was so strong it nearly had sent Kristoph to the deck floor as his prized ship shuddered and groaned against the wind pressure that pushed against it. “Straighten her out or the ship will be torn apart!” he called out to Emerson over the roar of the wind that surrounded them before grunting trying to force the ships wheel to the right in order to get the ship going in the same direction as the wind. He pushed with all his strength to get the ship straightened out as it fought against the two pirates, when the wind resistance lessened against the ship Kristoph knew the hard part was over. Panting slightly from the effort he looked around the deck taking in the men that had remained on it. None of them seemed too worse for the wear. “Carson! Get up here and pilot the ship for me!” Kristoph yelled towards one of the men on deck who was just regaining his footing, looking to his first mate the captain nodded in appreciation for the help. “We need to check out the ship. Figure out what kind of damage she took. I think we will need to sneak into Eagleharbor and dock for the night so the engine man can fix the engine damage. We need to know the status of the men too, if any of them were injured during the chase especially the men in the gun room because of all the cannon fire we had to return, as well as anything the Doc might need right away for medical supplies as long as we’re docking. I’ll check out the engine see what her status is and what we need to fix the problem, Emerson can you talk to the Doc and the men and get information from below deck for me? We can meet back in my quarters and I can figure out what needs to be done from there.” --- Zeva nearly paused in step, almost stumbling over her own feet when her sister brought up Buror. She gently bit her lower lip but said nothing as they continued on. The youngest sister would never openly admit it, but even when they were younger she had always found herself inexplicably attracted to the man. While she would admit he was devilishly handsome by anyone’s standards he double teamed Zeva by being quite the intelligent man as well. Of course the woman had passed it off as a simple childhood crush, but deep down she knew she still felt attracted to him, even with his wife and child, it still seemed like she wasn’t able to snuff out that flame of attraction she felt. Even when she had attended his and Emilie’s beautiful wedding it did nothing but leave a slightly bitter taste in her mouth at how lucky the woman was, but she didn’t dislike Emilie because of it. In fact the two had gotten along rather well, and Zeva enjoyed talking to the woman when they had the opportunity. “Hopefully he’s not too busy to help us. He’s probably still busy even this time of year.” She commented as they made their way to the building where he ran his business. As they approached the building Zeva felt her stomach tighten up, hopeful that Buror would be able to help them get off this continent and out on their own even if it was only supposed to be temporary. She followed Zaria in to be met with the sound of a woman calling out to them rather than Buror himself. Mentally scolding herself for feeling the slightest bit of disappointment Zeva stood with her sister as they waited. She crossed her arms starting to feel impatient as the minutes wore on. It was about the time Zeva was going to tell her sister they should forget about being polite and just head back and see if the man was in when the nicely dressed woman appeared, still fidgeting with her hair beneath the bonnet as she did. Zeva let Zaria do the talking as she wasn’t one to talk a whole lot anyways. When the woman replied her tone was one of irritation as she spoke. Zeva kept her arms crossed over her chest trying to bite her tongue as her sister spoke to her. When the woman said she hadn’t seen Buror for an hour a slightly worried look flickered across Zeva’s face as she looked at her sister as well. “I hope everything is alright with Emilie and Marius…” she muttered in a low tone mostly to her sister who then turned to speak to the woman again. It was then that Buror appeared from in back causing Zeva’s gaze to flicker to the woman once again. If she had just said she didn’t think he was seeing visitors it would have been different but the woman flat out lied, which irritated Zeva quite a bit. However with the man now out in the reception area her attention was drawn to him as he hugged the two sisters affectionately before he asked what he could help them with and Zaria asked about going to Hilarest. Buror’s reply was not encouraging to say the least, and at the mention of pirates Zeva tensed up. She wasn’t exactly scared of pirates although she hadn’t ever had an encounter with one since the fateful day of her parent’s death, but Zaria was another story. Holding her sister’s hand gently in her own, Zeva moved closer to Zaria to give her some comfort. They had to try to brave the news of pirates, they had to go out just once and see what they could do. Zeva, although independent in her own way, would not go without Zaria to see what life was like outside of Tiriene. Squeezing her sister’s hand gently Zeva looked to Buror and spoke in a calm tone. “You said you have ships traveling to Oriar? Are there any docked here that are still going that way?” she looked to Zaria now. “Maybe we could get passage to Oriar and go to Hilarest from there? There’s just got to be someone who would let us board their ship on Oriar.” She suggested to her sister, she just wasn’t willing to give up the fight yet, maybe they could find their way from there, if not surely they could find work in Oriar until a merchant ship was heading to Hilarest. Looking back to Buror she gazed at him hopefully with her green and blue eyes.