Shortly after Nathan arrived, Other Girl asked to leave for the training base. After okaying that, Kieren looked over towards Nathan and said, "If you'd like you can venture around the grounds as well," [i]I kinda just want to stay here, maybe get some reading in...[/i] he thought to himself, deciding on how to word it. Before he could decide and before Kieren could finish her sentence, someone burst into the tent. Nathan quickly noted it was Kieren's sister and she didn't look like she had great news. She immediately tripped over Doug, who was being the obnoxious little cat he was. "Dammit, cat... oh, sorry Nathan." "It's not your fault," he tried to say to her, embarrassed. His voice failed him for half of the statement, and was too quiet for the other half. He decided against repeating himself as her news seemed to be more urgent. [i]Ugh, I hate bad news. I think I will go out after all.[/i] he thought as he tried to leave unnoticed. [i]I'll have to hear it eventually, but it's too early for that kind of thing.[/i] "Well Douglas?" he scolded, "What do you have to say for yourself? You can't just get in people's way like that." The small cat looked up curiously at the young practitioner. "You know what you did," he sighed, "but anyway, let's go do something while we still have some semblance of free time." With cat in tow, Nathan remembered Other Girl talking about the training camp. Alternatively, he could go around to the other camps to see if anyone needed any help. [i]That seems to be the least appealing option[/i]. Lastly, he could probably get some reading in under a tree somewhere. After considering his options, he decided that the training camp would be the best option. If no one needed anything, he'd have time to read and if someone did need help, there would be another practitioner there to help take the pressure off him (not to mention the practical training). And you can never have too many practitioners, right? With his mind made up, he began his trip to the training camp, though he did drag his feet a little bit so he wouldn't be the first one there.