Atreides calmly listened to the information he needed to know get validated as the chest was opened and he collected his items. Hand vox, crude but useful if he felt like listening to his comrades in arms. Hive attire, familiar in appearance, as he threw that on and properly set the collar to maximize its property to hide his attire and equipment under, letting it set comfortably without having to worry much about exposing himself at all. He preferred a hood or head attire of some sort as well, but it would suffice until he could acquire such things. He was personally looking forward to getting back into the natural flow and crowd of a hive city and its inhabitants, it was easy to get lost and move in, but if you were familiar with them it was possible to track someone through with a bit of luck and skill. Undercover as a regulator would work if they didn't stick together as a huge group, and he crossed his arms under the heavy overgarments he wore, sleeves hanging empty by his sides as they were dismissed. [color=0076a3]"Likewise, Interrogator, we will be in touch."[/color] Grabbing the dataslate, since he would have use for it and intended to add information as he found it, along with the fact he did not trust the rest of the acolytes with not doing something stupid and messing up the dataslate and its information. With that he, after inputting the data code to prevent memory wipe of the slate, pulled up the relevant information on the sector they were going to and reviewed and prepared while they were on their way to Coscaria. The crowds that were left and the increasingly deteriorating train cars did not phase the Arbitrator one bit. It was par for the course, as he read over the information, and waited for their destination to be announced, keeping some distance from the fellow acolytes to avoid drawing suspicion of a group of such clothed individuals, all clumped together. It still drew attention and attention was something he did not need. This was a shadow mission after all. Once the group arrived at Coscaria, Atreides wasted no remaining day cycle remaining as he turned away from the group, speaking briefly. [color=0076a3]"Raise me on vox if you need me, I have questions to ask."[/color] He didn't yell, having only spoke loud enough for them to hear as he left the group. He intended to use his familiarity with such hive areas to reach Hab block 7-17 and attempt to gather what information he could from the sister. He would attempt to be polite and respectful to the grieving sister, but he would get the information however he could. His authority was absolute in this, and he would not leave without something to work with in hunting down this heretic. [hr] Collect items and put on disguise Review data slate Navigate to Hab block 7-17