[center][h2]Dark Leads[/h2] ~|Onboard the Memory of Coruscant: 3 days, 19:00 GST|~[/center] Leaving the Jedi to go their own preparations, Lyric was left alone again and so in his usual habit, he began to wander the ship. His boots threaded the metal hallways built for various 'big frame' aliens and seemed to echo back to him. Lyric's hand had long ago tossed his last ciggarra away when it finally expired, know he was going to have to make his current stash last. Already thinking about it, his hand itched to reach in for one and lite it, calming his budding jitters. Thankfully, he resisted. In the back of his mind, he could see Melloch smirking in the background at his resistance while he pulled closer to the war room. The doors hissed just when the hologram flickered to life. In front of him was a young, recently knighted boy no older than nineteen. The hologram was shrouded in laser lights of blue hiding the true colors and casting a crude light, his face bowing to the master in rank before him. In respect, Lyric returned it as he listened to the youth speak. “Master Lyric, we’ve discover something useful that might aid you in finding our lost brethren and sisters.” His hand moved to the side and immediately a droid outline appeared, the design strange. Lyric turned to absorb the strange droid and edged toward it, his eyes trying to mark it for identification. Sadly his mind failed because he lacked the ability, turning to the Knight to explain. Seeing the master finish examining, he continued his report while the image rotated, information not being stated flickering before the master’s eyes. Namely location sightings where the machines had been seen, the fact it was a short list helped. When the conversation ended, the hologram shut off and the master departed to retrieve the others. [center]~|Arrival: 3 days, 19:30 GST|~ Location: Mos Eisley, Tatooine [/center] The Memory of the Coruscant arrived an hour later, docking upon the ship dock Mos Eisley. A bustling and rough settlement, the streets bustling full of aliens and humans alike, where Kennith’s contact was reported to be last seen. The contact was named Karile Horis, an elderly man in his late forties, and according to the Knight’s information he owned a scrap shop, stripping down and recycling old machines to be repurposed. It was here, somewhere in the city, where they had discovered the remains and information over some unique droids used during the Sacking. What made them unusual were the fact they would explode when any attempt to slice them were made and often republic and Jedi investigators were injured, unable to disarm them before they blow up. Kennith led the way toward Karile’s shop, a shoddy and small dome like building with its location just on the outskirts. Upon approaching the building the rescuers would notice three men standing outside in the dusty scenery. Arguing with them appeared to be the contact, Karlie, as the conversation seemed to become more heated by the moment. The darker complex of the four, Karlie feverishly waved his hands about with a protest that could easily be picked up by bypassers. . “Tell Janglor, that debt was paid! I sent it with his errand girl, Jiek. You should be talking to her, not me.” The human scoffed, his hand lingering toward his blaster at his belt. “Don’t play with me. He doesn’t like to be seen as the fool and you’re in deep as it is, Karlie.” None of them seemed to have noticed the Jedi approaching them.