[i]5 or 6 years ago[/I] Mike woke up once more to the sound of the wind blowing against his window, he sighed and got of bed accidently knocking the sleeping Draco next to him who woke up with a start and growled lightly before he noticed Mike and stretched himself out before he curled up again on the bed to sleep. Draco could easily switch between his large dragon and a smaller dragon about the same height as a fully grown Beagle dog. Mike chuckled at his friend before he shut the window and leaned back on the wall. Mike lived in his house all alone after both his parents had died in a battle against the foe outside the village, "Shadows" Mike had called them. but today all that would change. Tonight the mystics had called on Mike to choose his path, so Mike curled up with Draco and went back to sleep for a few more hours. Once he woke up, Mike and Draco worked hard all day getting things ready for whatever destiny that had, Draco of course was coming with him to the ceremony as Draco had been a part of Mike's life since he was a year old though an elder had once called Mike a cursed being to have a dragon as his pet, they had claimed the dragon would bring bad luck to everyone there. Of course that had been over 14 years ago and nothing had changed. Once night fell, Mike approached the temple and then the alter where four goblets were placed, Mike inpected each of them until he came across a goblet with dragon like design on it. He looked at the Mystic and then at the very elder who had claimed the dragon would bring bad luck and said with a smile "This proves it elder, Draco was not unlucky", he then walked to the fountain and dip the Goblet in there. The liquid changed colour a few times switching between Red and blue the most before it finally settled on Red which Mike smiled about as Draco sniffed around and then found the duel blades that Jarred had wielded before his death, he handed them to Mike who nodded and drank the liquid before he attached them to his belt. Present: Mike had grown and become fair more mature since he was chosen to become a Mercenary, Mike had also become very very good at fighting with duel weapons, he had taken up a little blacksmithing to make his duel swords better and more aero dynamic, he had made the handle a dragon head and the blade would have a blue glow to it every time he pulled it from it sheathe. He was in the main camp before he looked up and saw Ashlinn so he took a deep breath and walked up to her after putting his sword away and asked "Hey Ashlinn, do you need any help with carrying anything to the training area? I was just about to head there myself". He then heard that everyone needed to meet up tonight, as Draco landed on his shoulder and greeted Snow with a friendly growl.