[i]"GAHRK-"[/i] A cry of pain came out of someone as they got knocked clean down to the floor, then thrown out onto the asphalt. "Damn tough-shots, thinkin' they can just force their way in with their fists..." Thena spoke, going back to the entrance of the tavern she'd been standing guard at. The rules were clear and written next to the wall: "Pay up before you enter, and you get some fine ale. Enter without paying, and you get served in blood." The message apparently wasn't clear to some people. In order to enter you need to pay, if you don't, then you either run or get beaten up. It's that simple, yet they still can't seem to grasp that concept. "Just a little longer 'till this shift is over... Then I can finally get payed and go away from this place..." Thena mumbles, clearly dissatisfied with the work. She didn't mind roughousing up some people, Hell it's what she does best, but the number that try is ludicrous. Did this place hire complete whimps before her? She's a girl and yet still manages to overpower pretty much every tough kid that thinks he's the hottest shit since fire. "And what do we 'ave here?" Some cloaked fella was approaching the place, clearly looking to get in. Still, Thena wouldn't do anything unless they tried any funny business. She just silently stared at the person as they drew closer and closer, starting to feel like something's amiss. "What's up with the complete body-coverin'...?" The man finally stopped in front of her, holding out a pouch. "Pay's not 'ere, it's the guy inside." She said, a smirk visible under the hood of the other. then the ugliest, raspiest voice you could imagine had the misfortune to fall on the elven woman's ear. "Oh. Ho. Ho. I'm not asking you to accept the money, I'm asking you to keep quiet... And this is a little compensation." ...Compensation? The hell was this bloke on about? Then Thena noticed a bit too late the other hand of the man had pulled out something else, made of steel. It was very close to her stomach... And a region that wasn't protected at that. "Pullin' out a knife on me, eh? What's the big deal?" She asked. "Nothing, just a little silence m'dear. You'll do that won't you?" ...Idiot. They didn't really expect her, who accepted this job, to slack off on it right? Thena had this little policy: [b][i]Do a job and do it right.[/i][/b] She was getting paid for that, not for this bollock. "I'm sure I will be silent, but not for you." A smirk came on the Elf's face, dropping one of her crossed arms down to smack the Knife downward and the other forward to hit the geezer right in the chest. That little plan got foiled though, as they'd drop down their pouch and blocked off the punch with astonishing force. [i]"Crap, he's not as frail as he looks!"[/i] ran through Thena's head. She brought up her knee and landed a blow right to the man's stomach, doubling him over while loosening his grip on both the dagger and Thena's hand. The woman quickly made sure to land another blow to his back, knocking the guy to the floor and then pressing a boot down on his back. "So, what's the big idea? Actually, I don't need to know. [i]Get lost.[/i]" She threatened, taking hold of the other guy's neck to give a few more punches to the solar plexus, all the while making sure those spikes buried in nice and deep. She then picked up the bleeding mess of a man with two hands and threw him out onto the pavement of the street. "That guy wasn't tough at all... Sure talks big though." Thena mumbles to herself, looking down at her feet. The pouch and dagger still lay there, which she both picked up. "The hell...?" The brunette quickly noticed something very odd about the little sack: for something supposedly filled with money it was incredibly light. "...Did he seriously think that'd work?" She sighed and opened the door to throw the dagger to the guard inside. Anything the rule breakers had of value on them gets sold and added to the paycheck, so that was good. More importantly though... "What is IN this thing?" The elf opens up the little sack, finding a... Crumpled note of sorts inside. No, it wasn't a note... A flyer. "...A band of travellin' mercs for the sake o' loot? Ha... Interestin'." Actually quite pleased with this find, Thena waited out the rest of her shift. "So, this is the place huh?" Thena mumbled to herself. She'd gotten done with her work a while ago, then went on to go buy some food and kill time fighting some of the local tough guys. She actually lost once, which explains the trail of blood coming down the left side of her mouth. This particular mercenary doesn't mind much though, shrugging it off as a minor wound. She's had worse. Much worse. After mulling things over again she opened the door to "The farmer's Daughter" with an aura of cockyness around her, which caught her a few mean glances from those that bothered to look at the newcomer. "What're you lot lookin' at?" she replied back, everyone quickly tending to their business again. Thena knew she wouldn't like this place from the moment she read what it actually [i]was[/i], but not like it's of much importance. "Now ta find that 'Rask' bloke..." The elf took a few steps forward, wiping off the blood on her chin while shooting everyone at the bar glances. Her eyes settled on a figure that was most certainly out of place: A lady at the counter. She looked frail and not the type to drink alcohol on a regular basis... let alone now. But no reason to approach her, Thena focused her attention back to everyone in order to find this self-proclaimed 'Adventurer'.