[quote=@Drake Baku] last post made by topview in this OOC, have to check his activity on the rest of the guild, but he may be on vacation EDIT: jupe that was the last time he was on the guild or at least posted, so I guess he is on vacation still uhm.... this was 13 days ago, tomorrow it would be 14, 2 weeks so I guess that if there is no post on the entire guild for an other week or two (depending) then what KoL and I discussed may be used. one month vacation is a very long time I think then again my chefs at work also take such long ones so.... Ok have to see when in that case two weeks, equals one month, 1 entire month is very long and he had not said how long he would be gone so.... lets keep it at a month from this post I am pretty sure he would be back by then, I hope... [/quote] I'm not trying to be mean to someone or anything like this, but... one of the reasons why the RP bogged down to near death, was top, in first place. He created a chracter but refused to post in nearly every occasion possible. That's why the training session was so slow, and this is what almost killed the game. If you're willing to wait for this much it's ok, since you're the GM, but mind that he was online 6 days ago and didn't even dropped to tell if he would be comming back to the RP soon or not. Sure, one can be unable to post IC, or do anything elaborate, but at least you can come to the OOC and give one or two words about your status once in a while.