Taking the equipment provided, minus either the sample kit or the dataslate, Arkaeus silently followed the party onto the transit rail system. Eventually they reached their destination and he stepped out on the the platform. The Arbitrator excused himself politely to go investigate things by himself, which he was grateful for. The cloak provided went on nicely enough over his psyker robes, thankfully concealing them from whatever public scrutiny they were about to endure. As he adjusted the stiff, high collar, he briefly paused to consider the last new addition to their group: the Outcast, Adrianna. He couldn't tell much of her, other than her combat skill, but at least the new face was a comforting sight in a place where he was surrounded by strangers. The compact hand Vox piece he'd been given was simple enough to stuff in one of the inner pockets of the cloak, along with the lone chem lamp. Arkaeus gripped his staff. This was where things got serious, he knew. Knowing this, he closed his eyes to mutter one short prayer. [indent][color=00a651]"Oh Immortal Emperor, guide our actions this day so we may quell this heresy in your name."[/color][/indent] Whispering this, he reopened his eyes and gently tapped the ground with the base of his staff. [color=00a651]"So, fellows, a plan of action?"[/color] [hr][list] [*]Follow party [*]Adjust cloak [*]Pray [*]Ask question[/list]