When people, on a ROLEPLAYING SITE brag about their ability to write and their future perspective where they envision themselves as a wealthy, influential author. Now, the dream, the dream to be that person, its not a bad a dream at all. It a goal to keep you going. But don't go stomping around on everybody like you're the only FUTURE AUTHOR on a ROLEPLAYING, [b]ROLEPLAYING[/b] website. Are you thick? Furthermore, don't go putting people down who have no interest in writing, but enjoy roleplaying. There are people who have no interest in music, but enjoy listening to it. There's a reason Guild is divided up the way it is. People can happily find the niche they most enjoy roleplaying in. And either way, why would you put people down like that. You wanna be a writer? Did you ever stop to maybe think that the people who read your books AREN'T ALL WRITERS! You're putting down a good portion of the demographic of the audience who's eyes you hope to catch. YOU ARE NOT UNIQUE! In fact, every talent that, that shit site tumblr praises people for have all become increasingly un-unique, and to begin with, they weren't very unique in the first place. If you're sitting at home thinking you're the only, and have only ever been the only, writer/artist/musician/photographer in the world (or all of them combined), think again. Those talents, like being talented at MATH or SCIENCE or LAW (all of which tumblr tends to PUT DOWN), do not make you special. In a world of 7 billion people, if you believe you're the only special butterfly out there, you've got it severely wrong! The invention of tumblr, of course, has a lot to do with people's mistaken concept that they can do everything in the world with the snap of their fingers. Unfortunately, we no longer live in a society where scratching a line into a piece of paper, writing a sentence, snapping a photo, or running your hands over a piano makes you a professional artist, writer, photographer, or musician. Well, admittedly, all of those arts, aside from photography which is relatively young, have always had higher standards, so to put in perspective for those people, those talents have always been ones to strive for success in. You don't brag first and act later. You can't just claim to be good at something, and walk all over some poor, modest soul who's trying their best to work on something and go HERR HERR YOU'LL NEVER BE AS GOOD AS ME! ME WHO NEVER INVESTED IN ANY OF THESE TALENTS! ME WHO LOOKED AT TUMBLR AND ON SECOND GLANCE DECIDED WITHOUT REALLY TRYING I WOULD CALL MYSELF EACH AND EVERY ONE OF THESE! BECAUSE ON THE INTERNET NO ONE WILL EVER KNOW! But oh, people will know. You'll be to embarrassed in a college, to brag about it, and realize that, what's this?, about five other people have the same talent as you! Worse even, you'll live that lie for a long time. You won't take a hint from Youtube celebrities, vine stars, celebrated authors, film directors...invest in it if you're any good at it, instead of going around running your mouth. Otherwise, you'll reach your mid-thirties, realize, "hmm, I'm getting old" and then even worse realize you spent the better part of your younger years bragging on things you never really cared for. But now, you've lost time, and there's no going back, and your depressed, you don't even want to try to reclaim any inkling of talent you MAY have had, because you squandered it all away without ever really striving for anything except to make other people feel worse.