[b]Name[/b]: Luke Douglas [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Age[/b]: 15 [b]Rank[/b]: Pup [b]Trade[/b]: None at the moment. [hider=Upright Appearance][b]Upright Appearance[/b]:[img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/04/4e/e0/044ee0a1243ebd1fdcaeff99b6eabcb7.jpg[/img] 6'1 at 193 lb.[/hider] [hider=Canine Appearance][b]Canine Appearance[/b]:[img]http://www.shroudeater.com/werewolf.jpg[/img] 44" tall, 8.3' long, at 204 lb.[/hider] [b]Personality[/b]: Luke is solitary; while he prefers being alone and not being bothered, there are people who he'll open up to and accept into his little "circle of friends" (what he calls it). He is quite short-tempered and gets angry at almost everything, really, whether it's someone moving his book or saying something to him he doesn't like, he'll explode with pretty much anything. While Luke likes to close himself to other people, the few he does accept he cares very much for, to the point where he'd sacrifice anything for them. He does admire the Alpha very much, though, and hoped to one day be as strong as him and be an Alpha himself but for now he has to build his "identity" in the pack if he hopes to rise the ranks at any time. He doesn't know a lot about real combat but he's very eager to get in his first fight against a hostile being; he doesn't want it to be senseless, though, as Luke believes that combat should always have a justification. [b]History[/b]: Luke doesn't know anything about his parents, them having left him and his brother Daniel when they were babies. They were found and taken care of up until age four by a lady that died of ICED and couldn't care for them any longer. He grew up with his brother and together they got food, water, found shelter and basically survived as a team. Early on in their lives (when they were about eight) they found the Big Horn pack and lived there. When they were about 13, Daniel was out looking for food to eat when he was attacked by two hunters who easily killed him (him still being a pup). Every since that day Luke has been looking for the hunters that took down his brother to (hopefully) avenge him. [b]Extra[/b]: Luke loves reading as he finds an "escape" from his real-life, he also enjoys drawing and writing his own stories a lot but he's never gotten around to completely finish a drawing or a story and hopes to do it one day. Every once in a while, he leaves the pack to try and find hunters against his better judgement and spends the whole day out hoping to find the hunters that killed his brother.