[center]~|Day 1, 20:31 - 20:35 GST|~ ~| Aboard the Kaggath, Main Prison Complex and adjoining corridors: Nyiss, Tolun & Nazca|~[/center] Darth Nyiss watched and listened intently as the prisoners reacted to her presence in a variety of different ways. One cried out in protest about Nazca ‘not being fixed yet’ - a choice of words which intrigued her. Though not one of her planned test subjects she decided it might be worth taking him for a chat later. Another, a Twi'lek, decided, foolishly, to stand up to her, but before Nyiss could decide what to do to demonstrate why exactly that was a terrible idea, Nazca had kneed the girl in the gut. These Jedi were proving ever more fascinating. No sooner had Nazca done that, than she made a dash for the door, her hand moving towards Nyiss’ belt in the process. Nyiss thought that amusing, and her own hand subtly held out the long haft of her saberstaff to Nazca as she passed. If the girl didn’t take the opportunity she’d be decidedly disappointed. Nazca took the handle of the saberstaff, feeling her blood run cold at how easy it was. There should have been more resistance if it was still clipped to the belt. [i]She gave me it. Why?[/i] The Jedi Youngling didn’t bother to think about it, simply shoving the the saberstaff down her pants as she rounded the corner. [i]Hopefully they don’t do full searches.[/i] Nazca glanced over her shoulders and skidded to a stop as she saw Nyiss step out into the corridor. “Well? Are you coming? I’ve already met the Trandoshan so surely you can’t be as interested in physical torture as he is.” Nyiss simply smiled, raising her hand to manipulate the Force. She picked Nazca off the ground by the neck, not hard enough to choke but firm enough to let Nazca know she [i]could[/i] be choked. She then pulled the girl much closer, retrieving the saberstaff as she went, making sure they were both in view from the cell door. She placed the lightsaber in Nazca’s hand, then brought her own hand up to gently cover the girls hand, directing it such that the end of the saber was pressed to Nyiss’ breast. “What did you think you were going to do with that?” She said calmly, but loud enough that the other Jedi would hear. Nazca’s eyes widened in fear instinctively as she felt a grip on her throat. Fortunately, she was merely carried, the lightsaber leaving her pants seemingly of it’s own violation. Nazca couldn’t help a grin. “Sorry. You just handed it to me, what was I supposed to do?” Her eyes narrowed in suspicion and wariness as the Darth not only gave her the lightsaber back, but directed her hand to point it at Nyiss’s chest. “I’m not sure. I figured I could give it to one of our fighters. We certainly don’t have anyone who is remotely skilled enough with tech to mess with it. So, are we just gonna both stand, well float for me, here awkwar-” Nazca suddenly pressed down on the button in the lightsaber, hoping that whatever the Sith had planned would be distracted by her mid-sentence attack. The expression on Darth Nyiss’ face changed to one of disappointment as Nazca spoke. She let the girl babble until she built up the courage to press the button that would activate the saber straight into Nyiss’ chest. Except when the button was pressed, nothing happened. “You were supposed to strike me down.” She said coldly. Enough people had tried to kill her with her own saber that she had altered it to be Force activated - only she knew how to complete the internal circuits that would cause its crimson blades to spring forth. “The buttons are just for show dear.” She said quietly before pulling the weapon from Nazca’s grasp. Gripping it firmly now, she raised it for a backhand strike, still unactivated. When she swung, she timed her releasing Nazca’s neck perfectly so that the force of the blunt end of her saber striking her face would knock the girl to the ground. Nazca sighed as the lightsaber failed to activate. “I should have known better, right? You’re smarter than the average Sith.” She gave bitter laughter at Nyiss’s words. “There’s a fine line between stupid and brave. I lost my hand trying to fight against a Sith with a regular lightsaber, I’m sure you know him robot hand disgusting attempts at charm. I have no skill with a lightsaber. ‘Striking you down’ would have been suicide unless you give me an opportunity like that.” She snorted as Nyiss spoke quietly. ”No shi-” Her eyes followed the lightsaber up. “Oh this is gonna hur-” She hit the ground hard, letting out a cry of pain. Nazca gingerly placed a hand on her newly opened cheek wound, glaring up at the Darth. “Is there a particular reason for that or are you just a sadist like the Trandosha, Schutta?” She began picking herself up and edging backwards, hopefully drawing the Sith and Tolun with her before Shiri did something stupid. Nyiss did not like being compared to the bruiser of a trandoshan, but she did not show the effect of Nazca’s words openly. Retaining her composure, she spoke again. “That was for not cooperating. I dont want to harm you, you are worth more to me intact. But if you are intent on being a childish nuisance, you will be disciplined like one.” She paused and clipped her saber back onto her belt, using the force to press the buttons that closed the doors and secured the prison cell. “Now get up, stop feeling sorry for yourself and follow me. We are not going to the torture chambers.” With that, she turned on her heel and started walking towards the turbolift that would bring them to her quarters. Nazca smirked at Nyiss as she picked herself up. “I cooperated with you! You practically begged me to stab you through the chest, which I figured wasn’t going to work since you don’t seem to be stupid but hey I had to try, and I didn’t even try to run away when you walked out into the hallway. I’m anything but feeling sorry for myself at this point. You’ve only hit me once and we’re not even heading to the torture chambers. This is far better than the last session, believe me.” She followed the darth, eyeing her for a moment before speaking again. “Do you accept requests for items to be brought to the prison? Specifically, a Holochess set and a few decks of cards would be appreciated. I can’t imagine if I go insane from boredom I’ll be worth something to you.” Nyiss ignored Nazca initially, showing no reaction at all to her blabbering. She evidently did not get the point of what she said. Not that she really expected her to anyway. When she asked for something to do in the prison, Nyiss considered for a moment, not breaking her stride. They were supposed to suffer… But boredom wasn’t exactly the best way to turn them. And with this girls fiery spirit, a competitive game might inspire some minor vendettas… An unlikely event with Jedi perhaps, but still possible given everything they had to go through right now. “Very well. But only when you and your fellows prove you can behave. Try to steal any more lightsabers or run off and you will have to endure the boredom.” Tolun Fi had watched the exchange passively, striding alongside in silence - a sharp contrast to the dull-witted girl who seemed to have a deathwish. He was surprised, however, when Nyiss even entertained the idea of providing things for the prisoners’ entertainment. If the Darth was feeling generous, he might as well inquire on a few acquisitions himself. “If I may, the medical facility in the prisoner block is woefully inadequate for more than basic treatment. I would be appreciative if some proper equipment, particularly for surgery, could be brought to the facility. Some of your underlings seem to be quite… hands on. I am sure you agree that the Jedi are of little use to anyone dead.” the kaminoan asked, studying the ship as he went. “I would also appreciate the opportunity to remove the alloy that’s fused to Nazca’s knuckles. We were preparing for surgery before the attack, and I rather like to keep my appointments.” “Define ‘behave’, and how long that good behaviour must last. I’d rather not be looking forward to torture by the time you deign to give us a Holochess set and a couple decks of cards.” Nazca replied watching the hallways as they passed. [i]Why can’t they label ‘THIS WAY TO HANGAR BAY’ for once?[/i] She thought, before turning and smiling at Tolun. “Oh, my permanent finger jewelry?” She asked, clicking the remaining rings together. “I would appreciate having them removed. They make what I do best a little more difficult.” “Of course we can remove those ugly things.” Nyiss said genuinely, though mostly to Tolun. “They would only hinder my plans for you, and we cannot have that. As to more medical supplies… I may provide some. But supplies are limited, and you may have to make a choice.” She sighed then, a sound filled with frustration and perhaps a hint of anger. “Do not test the limits of patience or my generosity girl. Should you discover the limits, you will regret it. Now I [i]will[/i] have silence until we arrive.”