Sayuri walked into the mess hall and narrowed her eyes at the newcomer. Then she got herself a bottle of water and leaned against the counter as she drank it all. She'd woken up from her nap very thirsty. Her headache was feeling much better, but she could still feel the echoes of it. She brought out a Japanese manga from her book bag and sat down across from Delta, avoiding the wreckage of what had been a phone. She opened it and started to read. [color=f7941d]"Hello,"[/color] she said - to the room in general. This newcomer was probably a new recruit, but she didn't want to risk getting attached to someone only to have them yanked from her. She sighed inwardly, [color=f7941d]guess I still have some issues.[/color] [color=f7941d]"If I were you, I'd take my chances with Phi,"[/color] Sayuri commented, not lowering her book. [color=f7941d]"Living is kind of overrated if you ask me."[/color] This was one of her first attempts at making a joke. She wasn't entirely sure it actually came off that way. It was entirely possible that she sounded absolutely serious. She'd have to work on that.