[quote=@Silent Observer] [/quote] Tholo laughed."What makes you think I want anything from you?" he said ",Remember I have two soulmates died and buried, a third wouldn't be a shock. Like I said bad omen. If you live for three years then we'll talk on what I want. Plus I like to have fun with something that has a pulse," He tried his best to ignore the bloodsucker next to him. She was infuriating yet alluring all at the same time, it was enough to drive him mad, not to mention his desires at that moment were easily radiated thanks to the alcohol and is earlier thoughts of getting some tail earlier that night. It didn't help that he caught a lingering scent on the vampire next to him of some form of desire, probably having plans to have playtime after her meal that he apparently interrupted. He did his best to ignore what was in him and keep his mental barriers up and the wall that encased his feelings."Say what you want about me, I might have a primal rage in me but we are both predators. I just happen to hunt in the woods while you hunt in the city. Different methods, same goal in the end, to feed," he replied to her calling him a beast. It seemed to get increasingly harder to ignore her and just focus on some other point. He wanted to up and walk away and head home but he remained glued where he was, his head shifting and glancing at her and was caught off guard by what she said next. [i]"Kiss me."[/i] It wasn't a question and had more power behind it then just a request. It was more like a demand and he was tempted to obey but a better thought came into mind from the earlier encounter in the alley. He turned towards her and leaned in getting a few inches from her face, taking in her aroma, which was peculiar. He expected her to reek of death and blood but instead picked up on other smells. A brief hint of vanilla, some form of perfume perhaps, of course the recent meal she had but it didn't smell like the blood of a dead person but more livid something more desirable. When he was nearly about to give what she demanded he stopped with a slight mischievous grin on his face. "Make me," he replied with the same tone she had demanded her kiss. He then stood up from his stool and turned to the bartender."Thanks for the cigs Steve," he said before making his way to the door and heading back out onto the streets making his way home on the outer reaches of the city. Part of him wished he had gone for that kiss but he chalked that up again to the alcohol, which just gave another reason to leave the bar. Of course seeing the look on Trixy's face when he made his demand had made him feel better about the day's events.