Okay here he is... [hider=Sing me a magical rhyme...] Name: Baltin Arcanrhthym Age: Twenty Five years of age Class: Bard Race: Half-Elf (HE) Racial Benefits: HE +1 Dexterity. Appearance: [hider=One Magical Jack of All Trades...] [img]http://oakthorne.net/wiki/images/thumb/200px-Yb_threxen.jpg[/img] [/hider] [b]Stats[/b] STR: 15 (decent strength) CON: 13 (quality resilience) DEX: 17 (excellent reflexes) WIS: 15 (decent discipline) INT: 13 (above average intellect) CHA: 18 (fantastic charm) [b]Spells[/b]: [hider=Songs/Bardic Spells] Detect Magic, Quick Sober, Magic Missile and Song of Rest. [/hider] [b]Skills[/b]: Perform (Storytelling): 80 Perform (Singing): 80 Thievery: 100 Knowledge (Arcane): 50 Bluff: 60 [b]Languages[/b]: [hider=Talk this way] Elvish: 100 Common: 100 Draconic: 50 Goblin: 30 [/hider] [b]Abilities[/b]: Inspire Courage: 60 Charm: 80 Detect Secret Doors: 20 [b]Possesions[/b]: Armour: Custom Studded Leather Armor (AC: 5) Light Iron Shield Weapons: Longsword (Damage: 5) Baltin found this sword in the tombs of his ancestors who was a great Bard named Cason Arcanrhthym he said it was blessed and sanctified each year by a cleric long ago and was blessed one day by a holy Paladin named Mord of Waterdeep who died long ago it is not magical but it is an ancient Relic of ancient history of the Elves and the Humans after the God Wars. Items: Fine Clothing (Crimson red Tunic with matching cloak and cured drake leather Breeches, leather boots) Lute (Musical Instrument/Implement) Ivory Wand (Implement) Gold: 30 GP [b]Biography[/b]: Baltin was raised amongst both of his race going back and forth each year of his birthday where he learnt about both cultures equally he initially became more interested in the city life of a normal Human city and settled to live in Waterdeep where he recovered his ancestors lost Relic; The Rhythmpeircer or Songblade, an ancient Elvish Longsword used by the greats of both his sides of the families. [hider=A Bards Tale...] Water deep held great amounts of choices for him but there was one that reminded him greatly of his Elvish heritage the profession of Blade,Magic and Song he yearned to become a Bard ever since he met his Gradfather Gralfinder who told him great stories and sang him mighty epics, Baltin wanted to inspire courage in his friends and thwart the enemy through feeling and rhythm he became a Bard under the tutelage of another Half-Elf by the name of Datan Caldar who taught him to become a Bard. [/hider] [/hider]