Adrianna approached the group, and awkwardly stood there wondering who to talk to. Or perhaps the better thing to ask would be who it was wise to talk to. An Arbites, a crazy sister of battle, an obvious psyker that sent chills down her spine, a zealous priest or a death obsessed assassin. The last to step off the transit module was some sort of guardsmen. She added him to the long list of people she didn't trust, she'd faced too many of them for that. Just seeing the group step off the train she knew that these were the people to meet, as they stuck out like a bleeding thumb. She checked her Chrono and herself before setting off for them. She saw the psyker utter a prayer, and tried to get his attention, for lack of better option in the group [hr][list] [*]Try and get Arkaeus Martavan's attention [*]Take an aggressive stance, hand on hilt[/list]