Dor couldn't help but get excited. His curiosity piqued, and he looked at Phoebe with an expectant grin. "Of course, of course. You were there the whole time, cheering on your favorite Chaser. That sign you made was a nice touch." Now what could she mean by radiant? He was further intrigued by her mention of Hawaii. He'd never been but the paradise he had in his mind was of sea, sun, sand, flowers, fruits, and beautiful women. There was a sudden yell from above, which Phoebe seemed to have been expecting. He grew more excited to see what was about to happen as he walked with her to a set of chairs near the bar. He glanced at the doorway, wondering when the target of Phoebe's prank would arrive. He leaned back in the cushy chair, resting his feet on the low table before him. "Well I didn't do anything nice as going to Hawaii. Make sure you extend an invite whenever you do decide to go back. I did visit Danny up in NYC. And that was hella fun. I spent most of the summer working though. I thought it'd be a good idea to take a muggle job. Sort of place kids our age work, so I was a lifeguard at a pool." He shook his head. "It was awful. The kids are just little demons. I wanted to jinx every last one of 'em. The job had its perks though..." He glanced at the doorway just to make sure he hadn't missed it. "I worked in the apothecary the rest of the time. Not as stressful, a lot more chill. And I managed to sneak a few samples of differen-" He was interrupted by the sound of shattering glass. He jerked his head in the direction of the sound to see Aella standing there, red as a tomato, soda spilled all over her and staring at the ground. He turned away quickly, uncomfortable with witnessing the girl's embarrassment.