As the Interregator spoke, Holand did nothing but look at the bio sample kit. It contained many types of equipment he was very familiar with due to his medical experience. But, with the reception of the kit, came the responsibility of gathering squirming and unnatural samples in the future. Yet, a mental voice soon porded Holand with some much needed tough truth, and gave an equally encouraging insult, shouting, [color=ed1c24][i]'If your not gonna do it, who is? Get the damn kit you snot nosed Grot!'[/i][/color], with some long forgotten commissar's voice inside Holand's cranuim. Holand nodded to both the voice and the fare-welling Interregator, and followed his companions out the enlarged door, equipping the many new items granted to the loyalist. Just as much as his journeys in entering the imperium, the trip to the bollows of this Hive world was a struggle for the unaccustomed Vostrayan. So many gadgets, sour faced officials, and authorization. Many a time did the untamed guardsmen temper blow to such heights he almost cursed in his native tongue, but his will was strong enough to pull him back to the little island of sanity he so needed. Upon reaching their destination, Holand was quick to jerk his head back as the rancid odor of the Coscarla Division crept it's slimy form into his nostrils. By the Emperor, Holand missed Kilo II. Whilst regaining his composure, Holand finally turned his stiff neck to acknowledge the new addition to their team, Adrianna. She was utterly grizzled, and resembled more of a man then a women (If she hadn't had breasts Holand would've addressed her as 'Sir'). Nodding to the new Acolyte, Holand stepped more deeply into the atmosphere of Coscarla, and only one sentence poured from the disappointed man's mouth. [color=ed1c24][i]"Did the Imperuim really screw up this badly after the Horus Heresy? Eh, it is the Emperor's will, so it is pure."[/i][/color] Playing with his collar was all Holand could do as he skimmed over the data slate Arkaeus held. Without his signature Vostrayan tall fur cap, Holand felt quite head-naked, and more uncomfortable then usual. Gulping down a seemingly throat-load of spit, Holand started single-handedly in the general direction of the Combine, the place of Saul's past occupation. He would hopefully find some clues there. [s]-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/s] [b]Actions[/b][list] [*]Acquire Bio-sampling kit [*]Follow comrades to the Coscarla Division [*]Head to the Combine [i](Saul's previous Occupation)[/i] [*]Become overall uncomfortable [/list]