[h2] Breakfast Tuesday Morning 6:30 AM [color=007236]Stella Herbalem[/color] and [color=662d91]Tobias Rivenridge[/color][/h2] [@Saltwater Thief] Stella almost dragged herself to a table that morning. It had not been a productive nights sleep. Her powers were fluxing a bit, and so at random points in the night, all she would feel was the urge to just leave the school. The fact that the plants were almost screaming now was getting to her. Now that she was more awake, she was focusing all her energy into tuning them out, but it was costing her a bit. She set down a tray of food, and a rather large cup of coffee, which seemed odd for a fourteen year old. She starting sipping her coffee and eating, but seemed to be miles away while doing so. So much so, that she didn't notice someone sit down next to her. [color=662d91]"That is quite a lot of caffeine,"[/color] came a familiar voice as that someone eased into the seat to her right. A look toward the sound revealed it was Tobias, looking a little sleep deprived himself, but cheerfully smiling nonetheless. [color=662d91]"Having trouble waking up?"[/color] Stella blushed as she looked at Tobias and then back at her coffee. It was more out of embarrassment than anything at that moment. [color=007236]"I didn't sleep very well last night. Still getting use to being in a new place,"[/color] she said, lying a bit. However, what could she tell him? The truth? That would be the quickest way to lose him as a friend. [color=007236]"You look like you didn't sleep very much either. Is everything alright?"[/color] She asked, looking a little bit concerned. Tobias took a long pull on his own drink, tea from the smell of it, before he answered. [color=662d91]"Oh, uhh... yes, I'm quite alright. Just wound up staying awake most of the night dealing with some, er... malfunctioning devices,"[/color] he said, his voice a little nervous as he seemed to struggle finding the right words. [color=662d91]"Though I think I might also still be warding off the jet lag, home's a solid 6 hours ahead of here."[/color] [color=662d91]"Still,"[/color] he continued while he ate, [color=662d91]"This place seems alright, on the whole. A little eerie, but the people are nice."[/color] [color=007236]"I will agree with that. A little eerie, but the people are nice,"[/color] Stella said between bites, smiling a bit. She did notice he seemed a little nervous talking about his devices. [color=007236]"Because I am curious, what of your devices were malfunctioning so much that you had to deal with them last night? You don't have to answer if you don't want to... just... as I said, I am curious,"[/color] she said, looking at Tobias. Tobi seemed to spend an oddly long time chewing a piece of bacon while he pondered her question. [color=662d91]"It's mainly the power supply,"[/color] he finally answered after he finished it, [color=662d91]"Most of the bloody things need some electricity to work, but just the right amount. Too little, and they don't turn on. Too much, and they might light something on fire. And when I left some of them alone the last couple of days, they sort of... built up too much of a charge, so I had to figure out how to get rid of the excess and then see if I could get them to not do that. Couldn't really figure it out before I collapsed into bed, but a least there shouldn't be any problems for right now."[/color] [color=662d91]"And what about you? What in particular kept Stella Herbalem awake? If you're willing to share it, of course. If not, I'll just keep my nose in my tea cup."[/color] Stella shrugged. [color=007236]"As I said, I'm still getting use to a new place, and my bed at home was way more cushiony than these things they attempt to call mattresses..."[/color] She paused and then frowned a bit. [color=007236]"Have you heard about the missing students? If I'm really honest, that's what is keeping me up at night. The fact that there are people missing from this school, but we're just continuing on like nothing is wrong. It doesn't seem quite right to me,"[/color] she said, admitting to what was really on her mind at the moment. Tobias stopped eating at the mention of the missing students. He set the fork he had been using down and crossed his arms on the table in front of him, his face screwed up in thought. [color=662d91]"I know what you mean. Anywhere else I've gone to school, people vanishing like that would have the place on lock-down with the authorities all over the place. But everything here is proceeding like the poor sods never even attended. Makes you think about some things. It'd keep anybody up at night."[/color] Stella nodded. [color=007236]"That is why I was up most of the night. I do hope something is being done, but... part of me just wants to leave. However... I don't want to just go. Not just yet,"[/color] she said a bit softly. There was something that was drawing her to the school. She wasn't sure what it was, or who, but there was something here. Her own curiosity wouldn't be satisfied till it was figured out. [color=007236]"What about you? Knowing that... are you going to stay?"[/color] She asked, turning to look at Tobias, waiting for his answer. Tobias took a deep breath in and let it out slowly as he seemed to consider the question heavily. When it had been completely been let out, he gave a single, small chuckle. [color=662d91]"Well, it's quite a puzzle in and of itself, and I've never really been one to walk away from a puzzle. Besides,"[/color] he said as his chuckle became a modest smile that he turned toward Stella, [color=662d91]"I think I've found a few things here that are worth sticking around for."[/color] With that, he grabbed the mug of tea and held it out toward her in a toast gesture. [color=662d91]"Here's to some better mornings to come, eh?"[/color] Stella blushed softly, and smiled, and held up her mug of coffee and clinked it with Tobias' mug of tea. [color=007236]"To better mornings then. And maybe a puzzle we can figure out, possibly together,"[/color] she said, muttering a bit at the end.