The planet Earth. 2014. Not a bad old year. These were the thoughts going through the head of a man walking alone across a park. He was wearing a long burgandy coat, a floppy hat, and a ridiculously large scarf. Sarah Jane Smith was no longer travelling with him. He had just come back from Gallifrey, having been made Presidentof the Time Lords, and defeating the Master's attempt to meddle with the Eye of Harmony, But he was not happy. That might be why he came to Earth, in a time after that of Alistair Lethbridge-Stewart's passing. He just needed to be alone. No aliens. No world need saving, no U.N.I.T, and no companions. But something happened to shatter all that; a beeping was heard his his pocket. He withdrew from it a strange device that looked to be made of spare parts. His eyes widened, and he looked in the direction it was indicating. "I see..." he near whispered, before pocketing the device and running in that direction. He stopped when he saw the TARDIS at the bottom of the hill. But the TARDIS was at the other side of the park, and he didn't call it...