John's helmet was pulled slightly off so that he could drink his coffee but still cover the majority of his face. He stood there in silence, just watching the aftermath of the XRF's successful blockade run, until he heard a strange voice in his head. John could never imagine himself getting used to the feeling of an Andalite using it's thought-speak to talk to him. Even if it wasn't actual telepathy or mind-reading, it was still unnerving. [color=ed1c24]"I chose at random. I don't care what job we do, as long as Starfire isn't harassing me than I'll do whatever they need. Last thing I need is some bounty hunter getting in my way while dealing with a contract,"[/color] he said aloud to Deraen-Losthil-Oray. The whole idea of trying to talk to something through his head was still foreign to him and he preferred replying like a normal person. Even John had to admit though that it did sound useful, not only did it get rid of the language barrier, but it would also make the idea of someone hacking communications in the field completely inconceivable. [color=ed1c24]"No matter which mission we do, one thing's for sure,"[/color] the mercenary said after finishing off the coffee in his cup and turning back towards the galley. [color=ed1c24]"I'm going to need a lot more coffee if I want to stay awake."[/color] John approached the coffee machine again and pressed the button to fill another cup, but this time only a few drops made it in before the whole thing sputtered and died. [color=ed1c24]"God damn, mass produced crap. Was working a minute ago."[/color] He slammed his fist on the top of it to see if that would get the machine to get back up and running, but to no avail. The merc turned toward the nearest person he saw, Johanna, and spoke to her, [color=ed1c24]"Hey you..."[/color] He still hadn't learned everyone's names from the couple days he had joined Raptor Squad and struggled to remember. [color=ed1c24]"... Cat-girl. You wouldn't happen to know how to fix a broken coffee maker, would you?"[/color]