Rekugin looked up at the entrance to the Farm. [color=8882be]“Hmm is this it?”[/color] was his first thought, his second was [color=8882be]“I’ve stayed in worse.”[/color] He shoved the door open and stood in the entrance. Not bothering to remove his hood he quickly looked over everyone before walking slowly towards the bar. It was late so it involved a bit of weaving through crowds but he got there eventually. Signalling the barkeeper he waited until the barkeep was in front of him [color=8882be]“whiskey,”[/color] his gloved hand shot out between the folds of his robes and he tossed a silver coin out of his gloved hand on the counter of the bar, before placing a copper coin down with his left hand, [color=8882be]“and an answer to a question.”[/color] He waited until the glass of whiskey had been placed in front of him and took a long and appreciative gulp, [color=8882be]“Ahh now my question. Is a man called Rask here?”[/color] [color=ed1c24]“Hes not ‘ere at the moment, wait a while and he’ll come eventually.”[/color] The barkeep took the coins on the table with a swipe of his hand and walked of before Rekugin could respond. [color=8882be]“Might as well get comfortable then”[/color] Rekugin muttered darkly under his breath as he turned to stomp over to a corner. He had no doubt that Rask was in the building and that the barkeep was even now going to tell him that a hooded figure was asking about him. He sat down sipping the whiskey occasionally thinking about the amount of effort he put into getting to the Farm. He hoped it payed off. Rekugin’s trip to the Farm had taken him a week. He was down in Midcy’ru when he found out about Rask and his offer. He found out about it at an inn once he got back from a mission. He grimaced as he thought back to the night. He had been looking forward to sleeping in a bed but first he needed a drink, so he went to the bar underneath his room. Sitting in a corner like he usually did he overheard a group of men, mercenaries by the look and manner of them discussing a piece of paper. He only heard snatches of conversation, with phrases like [color=1a7b30]“Rask,” “adventure,” “money, and adventure”[/color] being said a lot. He was interested now, he didn’t know who Rask was but the rest of the words had a high interest with him. He had proceeded to walk over to the group, where they promptly told him to [color=1a7b30]“fuck off.”[/color] He slunk back to his corner and carried on drinking till they got up to leave the inn. He had followed them out, following them into the night. The first sign they had of an attack was when one of the men fell over with an arrow to his thigh, followed promptly by another man with an arrow to the shoulder. Rekugin had drawn another arrow and aimed it at the last man, around 10 meters away. [color=8882be]“If you want to stay alive you will answer my questions.”[/color] He had then proceeded to question him about this offer of adventure, travel and loyalty. He even got the flyer from the man who he had shot in the thigh, albeit with a little blood on it and a hole through it. He had left the next morning from the inn on his horse. He had rode for 4 days before his horse had lamed itself. He had been near a forest so he let it go on the borders of the forest, before he himself headed off through the dense forest. He had found the River Platt the day before and started following it downstream with his gear until he saw Toll Mans Bridge. Rekugin was happy with himself; he had managed to make good time on his journey without any delays, missions or encounters with legions or outlaws. He set off toward the Bridge and past that, the Farm. Rekugin looked up at the people still in the bar. It had gotten later and later in the night, with patrons leaving and entering all the time but 3 people stayed in the same position looking around often. [color=8882be]“Hmm I hope he's accepting more than one person otherwise I have completion.”[/color] He smirked at this as he focused more on the three people there. One a human lady, she didn’t look like much of a fighter. One a female elf, now she looked like someone who could handle themselves. The other was a man, waiting and drinking patiently. He gave Rekugin a sense of unease.