[color=f7941d]"Wow, there's a dojo around here? That's so cool, can't believe I've never seen it!"[/color] Eustace smiled at Kyō as she sat beside him, they were both similar in that they had a habit of losing themselves in their excitement. He probably would've done the same thing, had he more than one set of clothing. In all the time he spent with Kyō he found her quite interesting. She was from a family of politicians in Meteor City, which surprised him as the place didn't even have a form of government! He was one of the few people who never got afraid of her when she was angry, which only made making friends much easier. Although, from the looks of things, Kyō seemed like she needed a pick-me-up. [color=f7941d]"Have you read this book?"[/color] He held the art book open towards her direction. Another similarity between the two was that they both enjoyed strange stuff. The artist definitely fit the bill, only making the book more fascinating in his eyes. Eustace passed the book to his friend, he had a lot of other stuff to read in the meantime, so it was really no trouble at all. "That's everyone? Well now, time for us to depart!" Bill untied the boat from the docks and quickly settled himself in the front. Luckily, the wind was blowing, so there was no problem setting sail. Eustace was excited to finally begin the ride. After all, it was his first time at sea, and would also lead into his first time outside the dumpster city. The young miner reached into his pocket, taking out two pizza crusts he had found while scavenging for food, he made sure to pack a lot of them while he still could. [color=f7941d]"Want one?"[/color] He said, holding one out to Kyō.