[b]Name[/b]: Mordrag Desertheart [b]Age[/b]: 36 [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Species[/b]: Human [b]Appearance[/b]: [hider=Mordrag Sketch][img]http://i.imgur.com/MI3SJo6.jpg?1[/img][/hider] Mordrag's appearance closely mirrors his wild personality. His dirt brown hair hangs to his shoulders, jutting in all directions and meeting his chest-length beard. Both unwashed, his hair and beard might contain bits of food from any time in the past week. Mordrag is a towering hulk of a man with thick, corded muscles from years of fighting mingling with layers of fat from years of drinking and eating. He has strong features with a powerful jawline and bushy eyebrows set in a heavy, furrowed brow. His blue eyes contrast brightly with his tanned and sun weathered skin. Worn over his broad shoulders is a sleeveless burgundy vest, buttoned only halfway up to reveal abundant black chest hair. His black pants have a multitude of pockets attached or sewn in, each filled with different objects. Black leather boots and white cloth wrappings around his wrists finish of his daily outfit. When ready for battle, Mordrag's adds a black, hardleather single pauldron with an attached canvas torso covering to his attire. [b]Bio[/b]: Born in the Gothi Federation to a single mother, Mordrag never knew his father. Because he was always larger than the other children, Mordrag was forced to be a warrior from an early age, beating down every other boy who tried to prove their strength against the big one. These small victories fed continuously into the man's confidence, givimg him boisterous and hedonistic tendencies. Not the most intelligent of his barbarian tribe, the big man grew into the only role he could find, as the muscle for smarter, smaller men. After working security for a few years for a small satellite of a powerful spicing company, the Yellow Traders, Mordrag caught the eye of labormaster who brought him back to the center of operations in The Plains. Upon his arrivalt, the bear of a man discovered that the three barons with disputed sovereignty over this area had decided to work together to bring down the Yellow Traders after feeling threatened by their quickly growing influence. A combination of warehouse raids and forced boycotts – through intimidation, bribery and blackmail – brought about the fall of the great spicing company, and subsequently, Mordrag's unemployment. [b]Equipment[/b]: Mordrag has a tendency to collect a random variety of objects in his many pockets from rocks to jewelry to food items. He is fascinated by each item in his collection be it rare or mundane. Strapped to his back is a specialized marteau de lucerne – long polearm shaft ending in a spiked, double sided meat hammer with an extended spike on top. Underneath each of his hand wrappings are a couple of two-fingered rings, each equipped with a large, square stud to. [hider=Lucerne Hammer][img]http://i.imgur.com/sTwoGbb.jpg?1[/img][/hider] [b]Abilities[/b]: Just like his outward appearance, Mordrag's fighting style mimics that of a large bear. He utilized his massive size to overwhelm his opponents, crushing or stabbing them from distance with the long reach of his arms and polearm together. Up close, the large man's thunderous punches are accentuated by the studded rings hidden under his hand wrappings. He is not the quickest or the most agile, so he is used to receiving more blows than he delivers; however, the man is able to survive by always making sure to hit much harder when his opportunity arises. Though he is inventive in no other way, Mordrag has an affinity for dealing pain. [b]Reason for Joining the Broken Horns[/b]: Already confident in the strength of his arms, Mordrag is always looking to improve the strength of his wallet. The corruption of the Empire of Civitas and the resultant opportunities for profit and pleasure have always enticed Mordrag to frequent the region. Recently unemployed, the man saw Rask's advertisement as a great remedy.