Having remained in silence since meeting the Interrogator, Rodrick's gaze now focused on the wooden idol in his hand as his thumb lightly tread over the smooth timber. In the back of his mind, he missed his home-world, but the Emperor had need of him on this world. If the Inquisition truly believed there was someone here attempting to overthrow the All-Father of the Imperium and incite chaos, Rodrick would be the sword to rend through the heretics and blasphemers. As they arrived at their destination, Rodrick tucked his idol into his robes once more, eyeing over the Arbite as he made his proclamation and departed from the group. Though he didn't have much experience with the man or his order- he couldn't help but feel his impetuous nature would be his down fall. Still, he kept silent, standing from his seat as he stepped off the transport and eyed over his surroundings. "Well... We've been brought here for a reason. No reason to dawdle. The sooner we unveil this threat, the sooner we can put them down and be done with this- 'planet'." It's obvious that Rodrick did not care for this place, nor did he make an attempt to hide it, "If the Arbite is so confident in his want to search for the sister, than w-" His speech would be cut short as the guardsman spoke, his eyes cutting to Holland, narrowing into a hated stare, "Careful, guardsman. A loose tongue can be the downfall of a man."