[color=82ca9d]Character Sheet:[/color] [color=a2d39c]Name:[/color]Akiyama Momoka [color=a2d39c]Nicknames:[/color] Moka, Momo, or Mokotan, depending on people. [color=a2d39c]In-Game User:[/color]Faelethuil [color=a2d39c]Age:[/color]23 [color=a2d39c]Gender:[/color]Female [color=a2d39c]Appearance: [/color] [color=a2d39c][hider=Appearance][img]http://i.imgur.com/OKNanKL.jpg[/img][/hider] Personality:[/color] While not really a social butterfly, she is mostly quite pleasant to people who take the time to talk to her, though she lacks the ability to make small talk about anything other than games. Often makes decision based on bonus and malus attached to it, picking the path of most profit. So as one can guess, talking for anything more than a short period of time would lead her to clam up; her own way of avoiding the inevitable awkwardness. She dislikes unsure things with a passion, even more so with actions she feels has too high a chance to fail. However, whenever information and gaming is involved, everything changes. Momoka will pursue aggressively her goal, regardless if she has to mow down low leveled things in the hundreds, do insane precision stunts for that one achievement, or simply watch the money roll in. She was the type who just could not have something on her list without finishing it methodically and systematically. Do anything and everything to know the game inside and out. In short, the type of gamer that's silent in meatspace, with a vastly different personality ingame. [color=a2d39c]Biography/History:[/color]Born in a relatively well to do family, she didn't want for much during her childhood, passing through school with barely any hitch. However, due to her upbringing, she rarely had the chance to socialize outside of special occasions, and even then her demeanor was excused as being ladylike. As such, she didn't really want to do anything after she graduated, opting instead to be a fulltime NEET in her room, taking up any pastime she feasibly could. Chess, books, and finally video games. Momoka was enthralled by her first video game, and in her efforts to enjoy the game fully, jotted down her experiences with the game. As she finished the first, she took up a second, with an accompanying notebook for that game. Soon she had a pile of notebooks lying around, filled with details of video games she had finished playing. On a whim, she uploaded some of those books online, under the moniker BigSauce, expecting nothing more than a few passing views and perhaps some mocking her for her apparent no life status. To her surprise, her account's PMs was bombarded with requests, praise, and those mocking her for her no life status. Ignoring the last part, she uploaded the rest of her notes and jotted down the game requests. Starting with genres she was familiar with, she worked down the list, and finally expanded into other genres, from racing to fighting, even those 18+ games. While she honestly thought she would just do a few she was comfortable with and be done, the strange and exhilarating feeling whenever someone mentions her guide helped them a lot kept her going. When that new game came out, her inbox flooded with an oddly large amount of request for her to play it, perhaps due to the hype surrounding the game. Having no real reason to refuse, she started on her first MMO, the game Neverland Online. -- [color=a2d39c]Weapons:[/color]A decent elvish bow, and a knife. [color=a2d39c]Items:[/color] Small Red potions,Small Blue potions,Small Green potions, arrows and the usual elven variety of field rations. [color=a2d39c]Armor Style in game[/color]:Cloth tunic with leather gloves and boots, complemented by a cloak. --- [color=a2d39c]Class:[/color] Archer [color=a2d39c]Level:[/color]5 [color=a2d39c]Skills:[/color] [color=6ecff6]Alchemical Research -[/color] The ability to make better quality alchemical products. She mostly uses this to make potions, since people gulp those by the thousands. [color=6ecff6]Weapon Coating -[/color] Gives her the ability to make and use elemental coatings. [color=6ecff6]Heartbreaker -[/color] A simple sniping move that eats up her mana in exchange for a powerful shot with a high rate of critical. Abused liberally when she needs to hunt things. Has an interrupt-able channeling time of 3 seconds. [color=6ecff6]Galestep -[/color] A simple move upping her movement speed. Useful for those moments a powerful unwanted monster or PK'ers shows up. Toggle Skill, drains mana over time. [color=6ecff6]Arrow Fletching - [/color]The ability to make arrows out of field materials. Arrows produced differ depending on material used. --