[hider=Green Bullet] Name: Marcus Collins Alias(s): Green Bullet Age: 27 Affiliations: Mercenary Factions: he’ll work for whoever pays him the most as long as they aren’t British. He’ll lower his prices even more if his work involves hurting the UK. Description: His costume is a black trench coat with the image of a faded Irish flag on the back, and a bulletproof vest he wear underneath. He also wears a gray newsboy cap and a dark green eye-mask to further protect his identity. Marcus has the body type of a well-trained athlete and is about 5.7 feet tall [do not make fun of his height or he might shoot you]. He has a hard looking face and has the scars of many battles on his body. Marcus has some facial hair, which include sideburns and a mustache. His hair crimson red and of the short length. Powers: Superhuman Agility: Marcus is incredibly agile and can maneuver around battle zones and disaster areas with incredible ease. Enhanced Senses: His senses are ten times stronger than an ordinary human. Enhanced Strength: Marcus is ten times stronger than an Olympic athlete. Enhanced Speed: He is ten times faster than an Olympic track athlete. Superhuman Jump: Marcus is able to jump up to two hundred feet in the air. Enhanced Reflexes: Thanks to his brain working faster than any normal human Marcus’ reflexes are fast enough to predict where an enemy is going fire a ranged weapon and take cover or dodge the shot. Superhuman Endurance: He can go days without nourishment or sleep and not feel any negative side effects. His body also has a much higher immune system to poisons and diseases as well as being able to take physical punishment, but this doesn’t make immune to suffering harm and dying. I gunshot will still pierce his skin and make him bleed. Superhuman Stamina: Marcus body feels fatigue at a much slower rate than any normal human and thus can keep moving at full speed for hours without tiring. Skills: Extremely skilled marksmen, superb boxer and brawler. He is an expert in stealth and the arts of assassination. He is an excellent urban warfare combatant and has a great knowledge of firearms. Marcus is a top-notch mercenary, and incredible knife fighter. Finally he is extremely acrobatic and dexterous. Equipment: Marcus has a holder strapped to his back which holds his large guns. His pistols and knifes have holsters on his waist, and he can only have nine grenades or smoke bombs on him. He also can only have three big guns at a time and will select which, ever ones he thinks will be most helpful for his job. This list is his entire weapons collection, which he adds onto with his increase in wealth. 2 Semi-automatic pistols 1 AWC G2 sniper rifle 1 AK-47 assault rifle 2 combat knives 1 Swiss Army knife 1 riot shotgun 1 M79 grenade launcher 1 Uzi submachine gun 1 Panzerfaust 3 rocket launcher 2 Tasers Grenades Stun Grenades Smoke bombs Ranking: A (Optional) Brief History: For some Irish, independence from England was dream that the shared for centuries especially those of Northern Ireland. Marcus’ family had a history of being Irish nationalists and freedom fighters. His grandfather fought the Nazis in WW2 and hoped that after the war that his people would see that the British had no right to have regency over any part of Ireland, including the north. His father was a catholic and living in Northern Ireland in his youthful days was not a good thing thanks to the divide between the Irish who supported being a part of the United Kingdom and those that wanted full independence. Because of the bigotry done to him in his youth, Marcus’ father became a member of the Irish Republican Army otherwise known as the IRA. To Britain and her allies they were terrorists, but to those who fervently believed in independence they were looked on as freedom fighters. Marcus was born during the twilight of his father’s time with the IRA, and his mother hoped that he would leave the organaation to stay alive and raise their son as a proper family. His father agreed and eventually left the IRA. But things weren’t much better, Marcus heard the jeering voices of the northern Irish who hated Catholics and he grew up knowing that he was different to many others in Northern Ireland. Things got even more tragic when his metahuman abilities activated and he discovered that he could amazing things after the worst moment of his life happened. At first it was simply childish playfulness when he used his powers to jump super high to see the tops of trees, but then his life took a horrible turn and tragedy struck. Someone had found out about his father’s past ties with the IRA and word spread like wildfire and before they could do anything they were flooded with death threats. They were a lower class family and couldn’t afford to move from the north. That was when the worse day of his life happened. While on their way home from shopping, a street gang of British nationalists cornered him and his parents. They beat his father to death and horribly brutalized his mother. They had made Marcus watch and he had been helpless. He lashed out in rage and his power came alive and was able to singlehandedly fight off his father’s murderers. This incident was what would shape Marcus into the killing machine that he is today and like his father grandfather and even great grandfather before him he became an extreme Irish nationalist who would use his powers to hurt Britain as well as those he thought deserved his fury. He trained himself to be an excellent marksmen as well as assassin, knife fighter and boxer. Marcus also saw his powers as way of becoming one of the best mercenaries in the world and amassing fortunes of wealth. He took the name Green Bullet and would bring terror and death to those he called enemies.[/hider]