I ran out of time this weekend before I could finish any of the other things I wanted to get done. Finished: [list] [*] [b][u]Visitor Message System (beta)[/u][/b] As I announced a few pages ago, I did finish and deploy the very basic start of a Visitor Message system. You can find a "Visitor Messages" tab on everyone's user profile and they'll receive a notification every time they receive a new message or when someone adds a reply to a VM on their page. However, the system doesn't currently send notifications when someone replies to [i]your[/i] VMs on other walls, nor does it notify you when someone replies to a VM that you've replied to, so right now it only helps you stay on top of VM convos that may be happening on your own profile. Once I address some of these basic limitations, I'll make it the basic tab on the user profile. [/list] Unfinished progress: [list] [*] [b][u]Subscription Notifications[/u][/b] On my development server, I've created a new notification type that notifies you whenever one of your subscribed topics receives new posts. If you already have a notification for a topic/roleplay, then the existing notification just updates to say "This subscribed topic 42 unread replies". I got that working, but I ran out of time thinking about how to automatically and performantly discard that notification once you read the thread instead of forcing your to manually delete that notification. I really want to avoid "notification blindness", and the crux of it involves making the system delete notifications for you. However, this feature is 90% finished and I hope to finish it next weekend. This is the feature that I'm going to build email-notifications on top of so you'll be able to opt-in to receive emails when subscriptions have unread messages. [*] [b][u]Mobile-friendliness for chat[/u][/b] I spent all my time trying to figure out a good way to test my local development site from my iPhone. Sorry [@Hank]. I have some ideas of how I can address the issues, but I didn't have time to validate them. [*] [b][u]Saving drafts of posts[/u][/b] This is a feature I got to 90% completion *last* weekend but totally forgot about until last night. Along with subscription notifications, finishing this feature is my goal for this coming weekend. Once finished, I think it will be an amazing experience for people to submit a post, encounter an error (internet dead, server rebooting, etc), visit the thread a few hours later, and find that their post is 100% intact ready to be resubmitted. [*] [b][u]Tracking post edit-history[/u][/b] I spent an hour on Saturday building a quick system that saved all of a post's edits in the database along with who made the edit and when. There are a lot of good features I can build on top of this feature, but once I vetted my approach, I abandoned my progress to go back to working on other features. One feature that derives from this one is the feature that allows GMs and co-GMs to edit a special shared post in each roleplay tab. Being able to browse the post's revision history will make everyone accountable for their edits and allow the GMs/mods to rollback a post after a vandalizing edit is made. [/list] So those are my plans for next weekend. I'm looking forward to these upcoming features!