[b]Name:[/b] George Maxwell [b]Alias(s):[/b] None [b]Age:[/b] 55 [b]Affiliations:[/b] Heroes [b]Factions:[/b] US Government with sympathies to the Reformists [b]Description:[/b] An old, but well-built man with greying red hair and striking green eyes, who, though wrinkled, still displays the traces of a well-exercised youth. His preferred attire is a grey suit with a maroon tie, kept immaculately clean, as well as shoes of the most precious leather. On his nose rests a pair of gold-rimmed glasses, which give him the air of an intellectual and wise man. [b]Powers:[/b] None; he's not a Meta. [b]Skills:[/b] Politics, Foriegn Relations, History, Economics, some knowledge of Wartime Strategy and Tactics. [b]Equipment:[/b] His suits, a gun equipped with Anti-Metahuman shells, a smartphone, a laptop, and a Government Car. [b]Ranking:[/b] None. [b](Optional) Brief History:[/b] George was born in 1965, to a working-class family in Oregon, but through hard work, a steely intelligence (although he is [i][b]not[/b][/i] a genius), and some well-timed scholarships, managed to graduate from Harvard itself with a degree in Foriegn Relations, landing a job in the Embassy to Great Britain in the 2001, right before 9/11. After these attacks happened, George wholeheartedly supported the War in Afghanistan, but opposed the War in Iraq due to him sensing that the American and British Governments were lying about WMDs, and, in fact, saw many of the oncoming blunders, including the reliance on Iraqi Exiles, the blind trust in American superiority and brute force, and failure to check corruption and sectarianism. His accurate predictions of the consequences of the conflict won him as many enemies as allies, but they managed to propel his career upwards, landing various ambassadorial jobs in the Bush, Obama, [Unknown Past President] administrations, finally landing a job as Secretary of State in the [Unknown Present President] presidency. A known supporter of Metahuman Rights, George is a friend of Sable Smoake, but is willing to work with elements that doubt her (coughLucascough), so as to maintain an independent stance. Now, with the Underground Movement rising, George is ready to put his knowledge of counterinsurgency to the test...