The Tenth Doctor was looking around, He grinned, It was nice to be back on Modern earth for awhile. He never got tired of coming to earth. It was where his friends lived and it made him feel happy. Though he was alone at the moment, after what happened to Donna, he was afraid to take on another companion encase he lost them too, He was looking at the sky and was thinking. It truly did feel like a curse that he was alone. He knew he could always call on Jack to come with him for a bit. He never wanted to disturb JAck from his job either. Carrying on walking the Tenth Doctor , noticed a man with a hat and a scarf. His fourth incarnation. He knew that wasn't normally good. He knew the risks of seeing his past regenerations, it happened once and awhile but he was always lucky if it never caused a paradox. Though he was still curious at the same time, he had no seen any of his younger selves in awhile. But all that came out of his mouth was a shocked "What?" He was looking at him.