[img=http://www.girlparkour.com/userimages/Kat_Profile_03.jpg] Name: Rena Thicks Age: 23 Relations: Everyone she knew is either dead or infected Equipment: [hider=Ice Pick Axe] [img=http://www.rockclimbing.com/images/gear/products/7/51597-large_work-Camp_USA_Awax_Ice_Axe_10085731_3.jpg][/hider] Run of the mill Handgun Bowie Knife Light Weight Running shoes Black jacket tied around her waist (with the clothes you see above) Several Pony tail holders First Aid Kit Water bottle Backpack Personality: Strangely, Rena has a pretty good sense of humor. She loves to joke, when appropriate, and play. She uses this as a front to hide her inner self doubt and fear; as well as fighting back against depression. Beneath her happy, no nonsense exterior she's serious and level headed. She hates working in groups, feeling she works better on her own despite her draw to the company of them. When necessary, she can focus on defending herself and others. A mental block has been made; as shes trained herself to not think of the infected as they were once people, and goes about her days acting like shes in a video game. A minor case of insanity. Short Bio: Growing up, Rena practiced parkour like nobodies business, it was just her niche. Jumping off walls, bouncing back and forth between cramped alleys, hooking things with her ice pick axe... she felt unstoppable. She's been alone since the start of the infection, which has killed off all she cared for before anyways. Currently she's parkouring her way through the cities as a lone scavenger; killing infected and pretending to be unlocking achievements. Other: Loosely based on Molly from the Walking Dead video game