Ashlinn sighed a little and looked at Mike before he left. ''It's not that there is made a mention for badly injured people at your training camp, it's more that we are simply making sure that you guys won't get soar from the training you do... And with that new recruit, I don't know his name.. I just like to check out at least once a day'' she said. She then saw him leave, a little worried and shook her head. Though she was happy that she didn't have to talk right away, she would be doing some more talking at the camp. When she, and Kieren, reached the trainings camp, she looked around. ''Morning everyone.. Those who are soar from the training better come over here so we can help you all with your bruises..'' she said, even though she mostly has a soft voice, when she spoke, she was able to let them know that she was there and for what she was there. She then looked at Kieren. ''I'll take a table and start with the light injured.. Could you.. check on the recruits to see if they all come over? Sometimes you telling them to go helps.. As you are the leader of us'' she said and smiled a little.