[hider=Jamie Macrae] Name: Jamie Macrae Incognito Name: Mark Johnson Age: 27 Gender: Male Race: Human [hider=Appearance] [img]http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/184/1/1/xabi_alonso__by_leomessixabialonso-d55wczc.jpg[/img] [/hider] Physical Description: Jamie is 6'1 and weighs around 190 pounds. He is lean although he's also very buff, especially in his legs. Jamie looks like he's in his early twenties although he does have a 5 o'clock shadow. His features aren't very chiseled although he would still be considered good looking by most. He looks rugged in a young man kind of way. Clothes: Jamie dresses in flannels and jeans when he's in public and wears hipster glasses with an open flannel that has a regular v-neck underneath when he's incognito. Personality: Strangers would say he's tough, Jamie's friends would say he's sarcastic, his close friends would say he's crazy, but the agents on his team would just call him loud. He may be all of those things, but he doesn't care because Jamie definitely knows how to have a good time. He loves to party and joke around with people. In the field he has trouble taking most things serious although he would kill you in a second if you made a joke about someone's life. Jamie is kind of lazy although with a push in the right direction he can get going really fast. You'll probably hear him yelling some bad joke if you get near him him, but you'll never hear him brag. Jamie os very modest and hates cocky people. History: Jamie was born to a huge soccer dynasty in Scotland . His father, grandfather and even great grandfather were all great soccer legends. Because of his family's fame Jamie's teachers were all very easy on him even though he wasn't the brightest kid. Although his dad was the exact opposite when it came to training. Jamie's father was very strict and made him work out non stop, since he feared Jamie wouldn't join the Macrae family's succession of soccer players in history, even though Jamie was very naturally athletic. Than, despite his father's doubts Jamie went pro and moved to England so he could escape his father's training and become his own person. Here Jamie became one of the best soccer players in the world and the biggest party animal in the world. He raged every night ignoring his coaches practice schedule and his teammates feelings while he acted like a cocky jerk and “made the most out of life.” All his money had gotten to his head and he never received a wake up call, since his parents were too busy basking in how great their family's legacy was. Until one day, when his whole world came crashing down on him. During the one of the few practices that Jamie shows up to, one of his teammates decided that he had had enough of Jamie's attitude, and broke his leg in half, thus ending Jamie's career. Sadly Jamie had blown all his money on women and drugs and he had no way of making his money back with no education and a destroyed leg. Plus his “friends” and family completely abandoned him after his career and he didn't have any money or fame to give to them. Jamie's whole life was over, until he saw an American agency called S.H.I.E.L.D in action. They were breaking into his house so they could retrieve a dangerous alien artifact. It was just a stupid rock that his dad gave him after found after some battle that happened in New York. Jamie thought they were burglars at first and stealthily approached the agents. When the agents noticed him, Jamie immediately attacked them showing an innovate style and natural talent for martial arts that impressed them despite an obvious slowness on his injured leg. The agents noticed this limp and took Jamie down from the leg. The agents than explained to him that the rock they were retrieving was an alien artifact that could heal most wounds, even broken bones. Jamie than decided that he could negotiate a deal. The deal was that they could have the artifact in exchange for a job and a team of doctors that could help fix Jamie's leg using the rock, although it would take time for his leg to fully heal. However in the meantime he would start becoming a spy His first step to becoming an agent was faking his death. S.H.I.E.L.D published a newspaper saying that Jamie Macrae overdosed on drugs trying to drown out the sadness he got from being broke. Next he had to get trained. At the Operations Academy Jamie learned discipline and manners, since for the first time in his life there were people giving him tough love, by punishing him for reckless decisions and by going hard on him in is spy schooling. Except Jamie did have to work much harder than the other naturally gifted agents who acted like a cocky and jerky to Jamie, while his leg healed. These agents that acted like how he used to really gave him a reality check and shaped him into the agent and person he is today. Skills/Powers: You wouldn't think that soccer and martial arts would go hand in hand, but kicking people in the shins is a surprisingly important part of both. Jamie fights with an innovative style that uses bicycle kicks and slide tackles to take down enemies. He can also scan his surroundings quickly and efficiently thanks to years of having to know where the man defending him is in soccer. Weaknesses: Jamie might be able to take down five terrorists, a shark, and a ninja in one punch, (long story), but that does not mean that he doesn't struggle at all things involving computers and new gadgets. Jamie can use high tech stuff just fine once he's had it for a while but if you just give him a new weapon and some instructions, you might as well hand a kid poison and say don't eat that. He also has problems with his leg from time to time. [/hider]