[@xodus] Cheating~ It occurs to me that we should set up limits for telepathy now, instead of when it comes up, especially since I forget what they were last time around. I understand that partners can communicate no matter where the other is, except perhaps in a zone that blocks alchemy or the link or something, or with a barrier designed for such things between them. But what about between those who are not linked to each other? Is it anyone? Do you have to have seen/met them first? How far can they send? I remember it's possible to send to more than one person at a time, but is it also possible to "broadcast" to everyone they can send to that is in range? Since the telepathy is related to the network of AMRO somehow, it shouldn't be an issue for other people/alchemists to overhear, which is the usual problem of a broadcast-type telepathic message, unless one has a /very/ good handle on the finer mechanics of differentiating between groups at a mental glance. Also, you mentioned that Asylums are linked to a partner and to the network. Lost Numbers are tied to that network as well, and I would guess Chronos. What about Unlinked? Lastly, is Wilben dumb and an a**, or just a dumb***?