Béatrix didn’t know what to expect, honestly, she surprised herself in even making the demand. It was unthinkable to interact with a wolf in such a way, especially after swearing to avenge Francis at all costs. Her hatred ran almost as deep in her blood as vampirism, yet here she waited with bated breath on Tholo’s next move. He leaned towards her and Trixy’s lips parted slightly in anticipation. This close, his scent took her off guard, she half-expected the usual wet dog smell, but he instead emanated the musk of campfires and deep woods. He smelled alive and natural and free, all things she’d long since forgotten in over six centuries of unlife. [i]“Make me.”[/i] Tholo’s words rang with teasing, his grin mischievous. Béatrix gave a wry smile and quirked one eyebrow up. Perhaps this would be more fun than she initially thought… Perhaps not because, in that instant, he was pulling away, thanking the bartender, and leaving her there without so much as a goodbye. Anger swelled up like a giant beast within her. Trixy wasn’t a person that was used to being told no, and she didn’t much like it. She only noticed how tightly she was gripping the whiskey glass when the pressure had caused it to fracture in several places. With a deep, calming exhale, Trixy put down the cup and hastily paid off her bar tab. Since Béatrix couldn’t kill Bartholomew outright, she went to the next best [i]legal[/i] place to do some shooting. Trixy never left home without at least one of her glocks on person, and today she wore one holstered high on her thigh, concealed beneath her skirt. At the police department’s range, the guy at the front desk was about to offer her ear protection when he realized who she was. Vampires didn’t really need to worry about keeping their bodies in good health. [i]“You’re in rather late today, Madame de la Croix.”[/i] the young human began, “Yeah, it’s been a long day.” She said, cutting him off, before pushing her way through the soundproofed door. Trixy didn’t really need much practice, vampire reflexes and the fact that she’d been using firearms for almost as long as they existed, ensured that she was already a deadly shot. She put a few rounds through the heart and head of the target, not really settling on one face to put on it in her mind. Sometimes it was Tholo, sometimes herself, but mostly just the intangible being that was [i]fate[/i]. After spending a few minutes channeling her aggression, Trixy left the range in a flurry, giving the guy at the desk a rushed goodbye. She boarded the subway, thinking it was probably best to head back to her apartment and try to sleep this dreadful day away. Sleeping at night kind of went against a vampire's nature, but now that they didn’t have to hide from humans as much, and because her new job required it, Trixy had shifted her schedule to a more mainstream one. She put her head back to rest it against the wall while she closed her eyes in an attempt to drown out all the noise of peoples thoughts and voices around her.