I guess I'll just post him. I wanted to make a freshman but it was way too hard to find a decent face claim. So I did this instead. I'll probably make one or two more characters eventually... [Hider=character]Name: Alexander Scot O’Connor III Age: 17 Class: Junior Hometown: San Jose, California New here?: No(has been here for 2 years) Appearance: [url=https://ireviewtoo.files.wordpress.com/2012/03/thomas-mann-project-x-star_532x808.jpg]Beep boop[/url] Favorite class: Various shop classes and architectural design, and PE GPA: 2.8 Personality: Alex is lazy, not very good at school, and only really excels in a few subjects. He enjoys, sleeping, partying, the outdoors, and playing video games and not much else. He’s a bit of a goof, screwing around in class more often than not. He enjoys movies, and tries to watch a different one each week, in an attempt to watch any movie that he thinks could be good. History: Alex was born while his parents were still in college, one for computer science and engineering, and the other for business administration and management. After graduating, his parents both landed comfortable jobs with Google Inc, a young start-up at the time. Unfortunately, this ended up requiring them to move around a lot, causing Alex to have trouble making friends and staying friends with them. Over time, it got easier, with social networking coming into its full strength, and eventually Alexander settled into a group of friends from his past, and friends he has yet to meet face-to-face that he plays video games with and chats with almost constantly. After almost 14 years of bouncing around, Alexander’s family settled down in New York, buying a large house in the countryside, and sending Alex to the highschool that it appeared he would graduate from: Central Park East. The commute is longer for him than his peers, about thirty minutes, but his parents let him pick the school as repayment for all the moving they’d done throughout his life. It became less of a problem for them once they’d purchase him a car and he was able to drive himself to and from school. Despite his parents’s relatively wealthy status, Alex has a part-time job as a waiter/cook at a small diner, because he dislikes spending their money and would much rather ‘make it on his own,’ as he says. He hasn’t done quite as well in school as either of his parents did, but he has a fondness of working with his hands, and has done quite well in woodshop, autoshop, and metal shop, as well architecture, where he’s shown a surprisingly coherent understanding of the designing and construction of buildings, both commercial and resendetial. He has a spot on a few different sports teams, and is fond of PE, one of the only classes where he isn’t subject to constant complaining from his teachers due to him messing around a little [i]too[/i] much. In his spare time, he runs a small blog where he reviews videogames, films, and some music.[/hider]